Tuesday, October 27, 2020


It has been a while since I last set foot in a mathematics class. Nonetheless, I can still remember my mathematics teacher insisting to see the process through which each student used in arriving at his or her answer. In other words, we had to demonstrate the process through which the answer was realized otherwise, you were considered to have cheated.
The fact that I was highly allergic to mathematics and I still am made me to never master calculus, algebra and most if not all mathematic topics. All the same, the greatest analogical lesson I learned from mathematics is that; in life, a process is more if not equally important than the destination. In other words, it's humanly impossible to arrive at a destination having not gone through a process.
Unfortunately, the present day young generation have developed an extremely unrealistic mindset which tells them that you can wish yourself to an opulent destiny without a smidgen work input. To them I say, "If wishes were horses, beggars would surely ride."  
In my dire quest to figure out why myriad youngsters of the 21st century are so eager to lead unwarranted lavish lifestyles, I didn't have to look further than their present day number one tool of motivation or so you'd think. This tool is nothing else but the internet. In this day and age, the internet has become the forth item in the cluster of basic needs.
Even though it's inarguably true that internet technology has made the world a global village by enhancing entrepreneurship methodologies and easing communication means by replacing traditional means of communication with instant ones, I am not lost of the fact that internet technology has likewise fostered utopianism among the young generation inhibiting their ability to think that; success in life entails a progressive process rather than a mere wishful thinking. In other words; thinking is free but implementing your thoughts is demanding. 
If you are still not certain how internet technology has continued to mislead the young generation to ideal thinking that render them to utopia, here is a perfect example. In their improbable claims that their lavish lifestyles is a great way of inspiring their fellow youngsters, most  affluent youths are continuously posting their daily lifestyle on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and the like. In other words, they are living their entire lives on different social media platforms.
Even if we give them a benefit of doubt and buy to their claim that posting photos of their opulent living and uploading videos of the same is purely a way of inspiring their fellow youngsters, what they are either ignorant about or don't know at all is; in matters success, the story (process) is much more inspirational than the glory. (achievements) In other words, sharing the process of your progressive stuggles that landed you to a successful lifestyle inspires me and makes me resilient in comparison to showing me how successful you are. If you are candid about being inspirational, it's worth noting that; the journey towards your success is more important than your success. While your process towards your success inspires me, your success in absentia of the process intimidates me and makes me suspicious.
On the other hand, youngsters who fail to relate well or distinguish between real and ideal posts and videos portraying opulent lifestyles from their peers tend to develop social media depression. Before you stress your mind about social media posts or videos portraying lavish lifestyles, it's very imperative to know that most of these people are either leading ideal lives of show-off while others upload videos on YouTube for lucrative purposes.
While using social media platforms for  purposes of staying connected or airing your veiws on matters of interest is perfectly okay, engaging in what I call social media surveillance, which is; browsing social media platforms to compare yourself with your peers renders you to feelings of stress, anxiety and the like. At first it seems like a harmless silent social media stalking but in the lapse of time it leads to dissatisfaction and eventually to symptoms of depression.
In this day and age, almost every one seems to have this social media persona. Once a social media user creates a perfect image of himself or herself, it becomes difficult to break away from the hype and share about the struggles he or she might be going through in life thus the need to understand that; all that glitters isn't gold.
With this knowledge well encrypted on your fingertips, kindly stop beating up yourself out of lavish ideal lifestyles of your social media friends or role models. Using social media platforms to size up your accomplishments against others will eventually render you to social media depression just like the saying; 'Comparison is the thief of joy.'

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