Thursday, December 31, 2020

Politicians not Leaders

The day was Tuesday 28th November 2017 when the 4th president of the republic of Kenya was sworn in to serve his second term after an election rerun which upon winning, his opponent never conceded. On Tuesday January 30th 2018, exactly 63 days after the inauguration of the president, his opponent was illegally sworn in with a controversial non constitutional title namely 'the people's president.' This is how we ended up as the only nation in the world to have two serving heads of state.
While one president is serving his term of five years as per the constitution, unless am a visitor in Jerusalem, we are yet to receive a memo of how long 'the people's president' will serve. Nonetheless, a memo of a life time presidency won't take Kenyans by surprise.
In May last year, i wrote a blog whose title was; THE PRESIDENT. My objective was to elucidate the centuries old ambiguity between two words which are commonly used interchangeably. These words are; A Leader and A Politician. According to my school of conscious thoughts, being a politician doesn't make you a leader just like being a leader doesn't make you a politician.
To help you digest this narrative in a more simplistic way, all you need to know is that; While politics is a career, leadership is a calling, and while politics is exercised through knowledge, (integrity) leadership is exercised through wisdom. In that regard, leadership can beget politics but unless its divine, politics can never beget leadership. In other words, leadership is independent and can thrive without politics but politics is dependent upon leadership for it to flourish.
The two detriments that we have continued to experience in our motherland for decades are surplus politicians but paucity of leaders and a presumption that deem all politicians as leaders.
In support of my school of conscious thought that politics is a career, inorder to vie for a particular position of power, you are required to have attained a certain academic level. Needless to say, this requirement only proofs your integrity but dosen't exemplify your wisdom whatsoever. This perception however ignores an extremely imperative aspect that; wisdom is the greatest virtue of leadership.
I am not saying that education is irrelevant in matters leadership, the point I want to drive home is; there is always a dire need of  interdependence between academic achievement (integrity) and wisdom/ intelligence (either inherent or acquired) for great leadership to be realized. The assumption that politicians are leaders is a mistake that have continued to render us to decades of recurrent outcry about failed leadership without any hope in the foreseeable future. Our frustrations out of poor leadership have continued to exacerbate because we vote in politicians in the name of leaders.
Just like virtues are contagious, vices are contagious too. Like his seniors, the man incharge of the health docket in my motherland seems not to have a smidgen idea of the decades old plight of our beloved medics and that's why he have the audacity of threatening to fire them if they fail to resume to work. Any leader who fails to keenly adhere to the needs of the people under his or her watch but rushes to issue a threat doesn't qualify for any leadership position to begin with. Unfortunately, he is just an 'innocent' messenger, thus,  why kill the messenger?
Four months after his release from 27 years of imprisonment, Nelson Mandela made his first ever visit to the United States of America. On 21st June 1990, he was hosted by Ted Koppel for a Nightline ABC NEWS interview in New York city college. These were the words of Nelson Mandela on the importance of consistency in leadership. "Anybody who changes his principles depending on whom he is dealing with, that's not a man who can lead a nation." These words of wisdom can never get more veracious than they were three decades ago when he voiced them out. My intention to qoute these three decades old words from tata Madiba is to ascertain the truth in them and subsequently expose the volatility of this phrase; "Hata slice moja wakati huu hatapata." which translates; he won't get even a single slice this time around. The man who was once perceived as a miscreant and wasn't entitled for a single slice is now the one incharge of the whole loaf and also the determinant of who gets what. This begs the question, was the single slice analogy a sincere utterance or it was just a rhetoric? The passing of time have not only helped in answering this question, it has also taught us a lesson that; A promise (s) from a politician is just a rhetoric which can never stand the test of time. 
With the forthcoming general elections within the vicinity, you have the ability to obliterate the vicious cycle of politicians who have continued to impoverish Kenyans in the name of leaders. As a patriotic citizen, you have a civic duty to vote out politicians and a noble responsibility to vote in leaders who you deem capable of walking their talk through servant leadership. This act of patriotism and compassion will not only improve the lives and livelihoods of the citizens, it will also acertain the truth behind the saying; 'There is no greater recompense for a leader than to produce people who surpass his or her leadership.' 

Friday, December 25, 2020

My life in a nutshell

My roots are firmly embedded in Kenya,  my beloved motherland indeed. This is a splendid country along the equator, south of the Sahara and north of the Limpopo. Even though I was born in Enkare Nyrobi (a place of cold water) which goes by the name Nairobi, I grew up in the plateaus of Mt Kenya and experienced all the congenial beauty that came with the life of a village boy those old good days.
Since my parents were extremely conservative Christians, they decided to keenly adhere to the proverbial wisdom of king Solomon inked in Proverbs 22:6, 'Start your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not depart from it.' Out of my parent's total regard to this scripture, I was brought up in an ascetic Christian faith from my childhood. The intense exposure to the word of God, its relevance and significance in my life from my formative years aided me not only to commiting my life to Christ as a junior in high school but also in finding my purpose later on in life.
In pursuit of what I then perceived to be my trajectory towards a successful future, I enrolled in a hospitality institute soon after graduating high school. Upon completion, I secured a job in Eden Roc Hotel in Malindi which is a coastal town in my motherland. The fact that I had a career and a job didn't serve my deficiency of my purpose in life and rob me my happiness thereof. 
Although I had developed an extremely great passion in service to humanity during my teenage years through volunteering in different non- governmental organizations whose cause was service to humanity, like the biblical Moses who gave numerous mere excuses to why he wasn't adept in leading the Israelites from captivity, my calling to a noble cause of service to humanity as my purpose in life wasn't something I was willing to adhere to. My resistance to my purpose subjected me to act like Jonah who upon being called to go to Nineveh became defiant and began a voyage aboard a ship that was sailing to Tarshish.
In my own superficial perception, my relocation to the land of the free because of the brave was a matter of pursuit for the so called greener pastures little did I know that God was still pursuing me to adhere to my purpose in life. After my defiance that saw me waste not only my resources but also my youthful years, I finally believed the truth of the scriptures in Romans 8:28, 'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.' That's when I became subservient to God's purpose in my life and subsequently founded Y.E.S. FOUNDATION to help me in the fulfillment of my purpose of service to humanity. 
Through this non-profit organization, we have continued to transform young lives in Kenya through our numerous programs and my dire need to establish a youth empowerment center in my motherland is taking shape. To an extent, my purpose entails motivational speeches through an online radio where I host a radio show namely; Moral Compass. I am also an author of self-help books which are informative, motivational and inspirational. I am not ignorant that my academic pursuit in psychology have played a major role in my purpose, all the same, my insatiable desire to transform one life at a time from an inferior mindset that continues to foster mediocrity and indigence in the society is what makes the whole difference in my life. My holistic experience in my purpose driven life has taught me that; You can only enjoy life to the optimal not through accumulation of material possessions and opulence but only by finding your purpose in life and subsequently living a purpose driven life.  
Today more than ever before, I can boldly attest to the truth behind the words of Mahatma Gandhi; “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Indeed, service to humanity is a fulfilling purpose that can help you realize that you are not defined by your existence but by the efforts that forster your intrinsic ability of empathy and sympathy rendering you to a philanthropic cause which altogether reflect egalitarian as the most essential and virtuous part in humanity. That's my life in a nutshell.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Who owns your mind?

First and foremost, I would like to demystify the misconception that has continued to permeate in our beloved motherland that the peace that we have continued to enjoy after the 2017 general elections is totally because of the 9th March 2018 handshake between Mr president and Mr Raila Odinga. Such a biased mentality is a crystal-clear indication of how ignorant we are about Jehovah-Shalom, our God who provides us with abundant peace.
Last week, I wrote a blog which was published on the Friday 11th December 2020 edition of MT KENYA TIMES newspaper and I also shared the blog on my Facebook page. The title of the blog was; COMMONSENSE: FACT OR FICTION? After a long philosophical study on what most people perceive to be commonsense, I came to a conclusion that; Although commonsense isn't fable, it's an illusion whose dependency impedes the use of conscious mind and the force of reason, and subsequently robs you a substantive efficiency and efficacy in your decision making. 
With that understanding, you can now tell why the proponents of the BBI have times without number claimed that this document dosen't need critical thoughts or substantive reasoning but commonsense. According to the duo and their zealots, the content therein is just but a matter of commonsense which needs no perusal. Their claim that there isn't adequate time to keenly peruse such a critical document whose 'purpose' is to amend the laws that will be governing us henceforth, and their suggestion that this document dosen't need our conscious thoughts aids us in understanding the true meaning of the saying, 'The devil is in the details.'
Unfortunately, and without any ulterior motive, most of my fellow beloved citizens don't own their mind. That's why we are easily lured into their deceptive ideas that are only aimed at feeding their enormous greed of power and opulence. They have totally brainwashed our minds that we are always ready to agree on everything they suggest to us without posing any question (s) whatsoever.
They keep telling us that the reason to why we always experience post-elections violence is because of the so called; Winner takes it all policy. However, we all know that this is a total lie. The real reason behind every post-elections violence is lack of conceding when one loses an election. Nonetheless, let's for a moment disregard our cognitive abilities because by the look of things, we are totally brainwashed to a point that we no longer own our minds and that's why we find ourselves agreeing with their fallacies. It's inarguably true that we have made them our demigods. Now more than ever before, I can totally understand the sense behind the song by King Kaka; 'Wajinga nyinyi,' which directly traslates; we are fools.
You can argue it otherwise but by the look of things, we are indeed fools. Why do we keep worshipping them and addressing them with titles like honorable when they don't hold a single moral character worth an honor? Why do we keep voting them into positions of 'leadership' after their cruelty acts of embezzling our money? Why do we keep agreeing with their selfish ideas whose only objective is to feed their greed and ego? Without any doubt, we are their enablers who keep rewarding their scandalous acts election after election thus a need to blame none else but ourselves. 
It's inarguably true that we all need a nonpartisan electro body that can conduct credible elections where transparency and accountability will be the objective. All the same, we likewise need individuals who clearly understand that; In every election, there must be a winner and a looser and, while the majority have it their way, the minority have their say and live to try another day.
Among the 13 chapters proposal in the BBI, the most irking and a total absurd proposal that will add an extremely heavy financial burden on our already impoverished lives is the increment of 70 MPs and expanding the executive. On top of the already existing state loans amounting to 6.2 trillion Kshs and a wage bill of 795 billion Kshs annually which is 48.1% of the national revenue, additional seats in the parliament will increase the wage bill with 49.7 billion Kshs annually five additional executive positions notwithstanding. 
Kenya is deficient of servant leadership but have surfeit of narcissistic politicians who have continued to extort public funds in a dire need to feed their insatiable greed. The claim that the expanded executive is for the purpose of equal representation is just a fallacy. This is another plot to continue impoverishing Kenyans so that we can continue to bow down to them for handouts, ironically from the very monies they embezzle from us. If Kenyans were enjoying effective service delivery and great livelihoods, no one would bother to know the ethic tribe of the president or whether he or she hails from a dynasty ancestry or not.
Political ethnicity and post-election violence solution will neither be realized from expanded executive nor will it happen through over representation, it can only arise from servant leadership which is; Intentionally having the interests of beloved Kenyans at heart and a relentless will to fulfill them without favor or bias. This will necessitate effective service delivery and simultaneously ensure that the needs of ordinary citizens precedes the greed of most if not all politicians. 
While the additional proposed seats comes with huge salaries and all manner of allowances which are never ever delayed or denied, members of medical fraternity, doctors and nurses included, spend more days on the streets picketing for unpaid salaries and deplorable working conditions than they do in hospitals.
Saying that our medical personnels are holding the government hostage because of striking due to unpaid salaries and lack of Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) especially during this covid-19 pardemic doesn't only demonstrate the highest level of ignorance and insensitivity towards our dear medics, it likewise shows how the so called 'leaders' are out of touch with reality and humanity towards medics who have continued to relentlessly sacrifice their lives on the line of duty without getting their salaries on time from a government that continues to spend tax payers money illegally on BBI whose aim is to benefit a few chosen elites but lacks the audacity to pay the salaries of our medics who unfortunately happens to be UNSUNG HEROES in the society. This is a crystal-clear indication of failed leadership, money squandering and misplacement of priorities.
My fellow beloved Kenyans, ahead of us lies a great challenge that will determine whether each one of us owns his or her mind or we are just physically free citizens but mentally enslaved sycophants who are readily willing to submit to their egocentric beliefs which totally disregards the dire need of egalitarianism, altruistic and servant leadership in our beloved motherland. 
In his proverbial wisdom, king Solomon inked these scriptures; 'The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.' Proverbs 22:7 My question therefore is; Will we give them another opportunity to continue enriching themselves with our tax money so that they can continue to rule us or, will we be valiant enough to say like Job; "What you know, I also know, I am not inferior to you. Yet I desire to speak to the Almighty and argue my case before God. You, cover your ignorance with lies; you are all worthless physicians. The wisest thing you can do is to keep quiet and listen to my argument." Job 13:2-5 
In his first letter to the church in Corinth, Paul poses a very intriguing question whose answer renders not only a solution but also an inspiration. "Were you a slave when you were called?" Don't let that worry you, but if you can win your freedom, by all means take the opportunity. 1st Corinthians 7:21
While this blog might have motivated your inspirations towards your freedom, don't be ignorant of the truth that; He who owns your mind owns you, and he who owns you controls you, and he who controls you determines your destiny. Nevertheless, an informed decision to recoup your mind is within the force of your cognitive reasoning.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Commonsense: Fact or Fiction?

Use your common sense.' I've lost count on how many times this phrase have crossed my ears since my childhood and I am certain you aren't an exception. Nonetheless, I beg to differ with the definition of commonsense as the knack for seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done. My question therefore is; what is the universal threshold of seeing things as they are or doing things as they ought to be done? Giving this definition a benefit of doubt is equally asinine noting the recurrent reminders that beg the use of commonsense in day to day life?
In my dire quest to find an answer to this extremely intriguing question, I decided to ignore the delusional commonsense idealism and opted to think deep to my question. We can all agree that human beings are created equal but with disparate physical and mental abilities. Since our sight or deed is a matter of perception through a thought process, the fact that the mind analyses and interpretes our thoughts differently which in essence is the application of paradigm shift (fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions) is a clear evidence that commonsense is just but a delusion.
A majority of the present day problems are as a result of a total disregard of divergent perceptions and assuming that; when people encounter similar experiences in life, their interpretation pertaining these experiences should be the same. Whenever your perception towards what might seem to be a simple issue is in the minority list, individuals in the majority list tend to think that you don't possess commonsense. The truth of the matter is: you are just different.
By now, most people are asking themselves; "If indeed commonsense is irrational, what  facilitates efficiency in human relationships and habitual life in general?" Here is the answer to this very vital question. Both innate wisdom and acquired wisdom makes wonted human life viable. The fact that King Solomon asked God to give him wisdom is a clear indication that innate wisdom isn't enough by itself thus a dire need to seek for more wisdom. (Acquired wisdom) The two ways to obtain acquired wisdom are; adhering to the teachings from the counsel of the wise and also the fear of the Lord. (Proverbs 9:10)
On the other hand, efficiency in anomalous matters of life requires reasoning where both wisdom (intelligence) and knowledge (integrity) are extremely essential towards a fierce deliberation for sake of viable decisions. This deliberation is called 'soul searching,' because a human being's soul is made up of the mind and the heart. While wisdom is an independent virtue on wonted matters, there must be an interdependence between the mind and the heart for viable solutions to the realized.
What most people perceive as commonsense is what I call 'assumption of commonality' which disregards the importance of conscious thinking and simultaneously dismisses the significance of diverse perceptions. Infact, a person who labels someone as an inferior claiming that, that person lacks commonsense totally disregards the intricacy of humanity which states; we are all created equal but with different physical and mental abilities, thus the depiction of human diversity
If you develop a trend of subjecting each and every life occurrence to a conscious thought process no matter how minor the issue is, you will always enjoy the outcome rendered by your conscious mind and you will surely have the force of reason in the realization of the truth behind the saying; 'Intentional thinking is the mother of viable decisions.'

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Unity for Opportunity: United States of Africa

My fellow beloved Africans, I come to you in the true spirit of Ubuntu and Pan-Africanism. As I extend my great and neverending love of my mother continent to you, I am neither oblivious nor lost of the fact that just a few decades ago, we were subjugated by the despotism of seven different European colonizers who adulterated our rich African culture, stole our land and disoriented our unity by partitioning our mother continent with their colonial boundaries. As if that wasn't enough, they brainwashed us to thinking that our indigenous languages were not good enough thus the dire need to learn their languages and make them our nation languages. It's for our own benefit that we forgave them even without any apology whatsoever but we shall never ever forget their heinous acts against humanity.
All the same, I am well versed that; continued lamentation about the atrocities that were meted against us for decades is just but an obstruction towards a blight and promising future. I thank God because their wishful thinking and malicious intentions of subjecting Africans to tyrannical rule to eternity was just but a short lived glory.
Even though their colonial boundaries that subdivided the great continent of Africa into 55 countries are still in existence to this day and age, and we are still speaking their languages, I totally believe without any shadow of doubt that the day of United States of Africa is more closer than it was when great Pan-africans like Nelson Rolihlahla madiba Mendela delivered his first international speech on 3rd February 1962, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. When Kwame NKrumah gave the inaugural address of OAU (Oranization of Africa Unity) on 25th May 1963 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. And much more closer than 29th July 1987 when Thomas Sankara gave a speech at the summit of OAU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia or when Colonel Muammar Gaddafi proposed the formation of United States of Africa and the introduction of one common currency thereafter which to his suggestion would be the gold dinar and when Paul Kagame emphasized on the dire need of intra-African trade on his 21st March 2018 speech during the launch of African Continental Free Trade Area in Kigali, Rwanda. 
The fact that some of these true legends and loyal sons of Africa didn't live to see the United States of Africa dosen't mean that their dreams were futile. In the very words of Martin Luther king jr. during what became his last speech, before he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee on 4th April 1963, "I've been to the mountain top and I've seen the promised land." "I may not get there with you but I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land," I truly believe that dreams of our departed and living Pan-Africans will soon become a reality. The baton is now with Dr Arikana Chihombori-Quao, President Paul Kagame, Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba popularly known as PLO LUMUMBA, Julius Sello Malema among others, who are very loyal and true to the cause of unity that will beget United States of Africa.
On the other hand, with the formation of African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) on 21st March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda making AFCFTA the largest free trade area in the world in terms of the number of participating countries, Africans are highly optimistic of an economically stable continent because AFCFTA is expected to boost intra-African trade by 52 percent by the year 2022. No doubt whatsoever that Africa is headed to the right direction.
More to that, the establishment of African Union Agenda 2063 with an aim of delivering on its goal for inclusive and sustainable developments is likewise a positive progress. This agenda is also a robust manifestation of the Pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African renaissance is a well thought intuitive that will render numerous job opportunities across the United States of Africa.

Sunday, November 22, 2020


Welcome to the 21st century, a century with a profusion of youngsters suffering from what I call Verbal Communication Syndrome (V.C.S.) A greater percentage of their communication is through texting even when the recipient is at a stone throw away. The main reason to why their relationships can't stand the test of time is that; unlike verbal communication, texting is incapable of expressing the most vital element of effective communication namely; feelings.
Texting as a means of communication that the young generation have totally embraced have not only robbed them the authentic meaning of effective communication which is denoted by the exchange of feelings, it have also restrained them from establishing apt physical self-expression as well as self-confidence.
Effective communication is the exchange of feelings where understanding is derived. You can argue it otherwise till cows come home but 97% of effective communication is based on your body language which includes facial expressions and gestures. That's why face to face communication is the most effective method that guarantees effective communication.
Times without number I've heard people urge that texting and chatting are the most effective means of communication. This is a point that I strongly beg to differ. From my school of thought, texting and chatting are rapid means of communication but not effective.
A perfect example is a case when you send someone a text message and he or she claims to have not received the text. For the people who thought that wassup had finally saved them the lie of recipients who claim not to have received a text message, i have bad news for you. You're recipient can set his or her wassup in a way that both read and unread messages remain grey. This gives someone a chance to claim not to have read your message even when he or she have read message. With that knowledge well encrypted on your finger tips, it's always important to refrain from texting especially when indispensable understanding is essential.
Most parents who have adopted texting as a primary means of communicating with their children have already set themselves up for occasional frustrations. Children especially teens whom truth is a nemesis have a tendency of claiming to have not received or read the text. To free yourself from such occasional frustrations, just refrain from texting and develop a trend of calling that way you will be sure that your message is perfectly delivered whenever your call is answered.
Needless to say, the most effective method to parent your children is through a face to face communication whenever the chance is at hand. If time with your children is always contingent, you have a responsibility to create time out of your busy schedule for a face to face communication. Face to face communication with your children does not only ensure effective communication, it simultaneously helps to create infinite memories in the lives of your children. 
In this day and age, it's inarguably true that most parents have no control over their children in matters internet consumption. Internet has substituted mum and dad parenting resulting to a morally delayed generation. Whenever all family members are always aboard the internet technology platforms on daily basis for reasons better known to themselves, there is a dire need to disconnect in order to reconnect. 
It's extremely important to always prioritize tech free activities or better still family tech free days. This activities can include around the table games like chase, scrabble and the like. It's likewise very important to restrain electronic gadgets from the dinner table and instead embrace a habitual occurence of holding family conversations which tend to become more interesting without any distractions from gadgets. Around the dinner table talks is surely the very best opportunity to disconnect your gadgets and reconnect with each other. It's inarguably true that internet technology have brought your virtual friends closer. Nonetheless, it have taken away your family members and real friends who are mostly within your reach on daily basis or whenever a dire need is at hand. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020


Barely a fortnight ago, the Americans went to their voting ballots. That was Tuesday 3rd November 2020 but it was not until Saturday the 7th November 2020 that the declaration of the man who would become the 46th president in the land of the free because of the brave was made.
Within a nictate of an eye, both the main stream and the social media platforms were filled with different headlines which permeated globally. Nonetheless, there was one among the millions of headlines that caught my attention definitely from a country south of the Sahara and north of the Limpopo which happens to be my motherland.
This is how the headline read; AMERICA'S DECISION, KENYA'S EXPECTATIONS. This headline totally perplexed me and pestered me to ask myself a question; what befell a country that claims to have gained freedom 57 years ago and is to this day expecting succours from a foreign country?
A mindset that propels a 'free nation' to expect whatever kind of help from another country is a crystal-clear indication that; all we attained 57 year ago was physical freedom but our minds are still colonized. This means that we are not free indeed and that's why our deeds don't match with our profess of freedom. 
Hitherto, it's inarguably true that, the shackles that once fastened our wrists were not strong than the chains that currently impede our mind. We are just but victims of self-mental slavery. Quoting the words of the 32nd first lady of the United states of America madam Eleanor Roosevelt, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent,” we can only blame ourselves for allowing foreign nations to control our thinking. I totally agree that we were cunningly lured into colonialism but today we have consciously paved our way to neocolonialism.
In his 1980 Redemption Song, Robert Nesta Marley popularly known as Bob Marley, puts it this way; "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds." In other words, mental slavery is a self-choice and freeing from it is likewise a personal decision. The scriptures are clear on your limitations or lack of them thereof. 'I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength.' Philippians 4:13 Equally if not more inspirational are the words inked by the wisest man to have ever walked on planet earth in Ecclesiastes 9:11. 'I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.' His words clearly shows that every human being  receives an equal measure of the most important and free asset in the world called TIME. The issue that marks our differences is how we manage or mismanage this precious asset called time. Time is money, spend it wisely. 
In reference to the scriptures in Hosea 4:6 'My people perish from lack of knowledge,' what most people from my motherland don't know is that foreign aid from the so called first world countries comes with strings attached. In other words, free is not free. If you wish to challenge my school of thought, you are welcome to peluse through American archives and find out the purpose of the National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200 commonly known as The Kissinger Report.
 As we look upon the United states of America to extend a hand of help, let's not get lost of the fact that a while back they had president Obama who we were so proud to call the son of Africa but all his presidency did was to initiate a Power Africa program with a promise of generating 30,000 megawatts of electricity in Africa by the year 2030. This meant that the seventeen years program was to generate 1,764 megawatts annually. Unfortunately, three years after the launching of the program in July 2013, the project had only generated 374 megawatts recording a deficiency of 1390 megawatts.
If we have anchored our hopes that Africa will come out of darkness to massive light via Power Africa Program of 2013, kindly let's reexamine our thoughts and free ourselves from mental slavery because, let there be light in Africa is something that United states of America can't deliver out of spontaneity and so are our other needs.

Thursday, November 5, 2020


What are the two most important days in your life? Times without number I've posed this question to my mentees where everyone gets the first answer correct and 98% errs on the second part. It's obvious that one of the most important days in your life is the day you were born because that's primarily the reason you are reading this blog. Nonetheless, the second most important day in your life isn't the day you depart from planet earth. The second most imperative day in your life is the day you realize why you were born. In other words, the day you'll find your PURPOSE. (SELF-IDENTITY)
Although different studies aren't consistent on the percentage of people who live and die having not found their purpose, the truth of the matter is; a greater percentage of human beings on planet earth are born, live and die without finding their purpose. The percentage ranges between 75%-80%. This literally means that; only 15% to 20% of the world population live a purpose driven life.
With all due respect, this isn't a matter to joke about. It's a totally disheartening issue.
This numbers are however a clear indication to why most people have continued to lead miserable and despondent lives. One of the greatest misconception about finding happiness and fulfillment in life is the present day believe that has continued to permeate like a wild fire citing opulence as an aspect that automatically renders an individual to freedom, happiness and fulfillment. Truth be told; it doesn't matter how filthy rich you become, failure to find your purpose in life will always disorient your life and deny you ecstasy. The earlier you shall know that; the purpose of life is your purpose in life the sooner you will stop equating monetary achievement with purpose realization.
In a dire need to find happiness, some people decide to marry or get married. As much as it's inarguably true that marriage is the fundamental source of happiness and fulfillment that's fostered through companionship, it's however not supposed to be the primary source of your happiness or fulfillment. Your purpose should be the primary source of your happiness and fulfillment. The fact that most people enter into marriage having not found their purpose in life which means that they don't have SELF-IDENTITY (you don't know who you are)
have tremendously contributed to marriages that can't stand the test of time where separation and divorce have become extremely rampant across the spectrum. This is a clear indication that your spouse can't give you self-identity. The reason to why purpose is also called self-identity is an implication that; finding your purpose in life is your personal responsibility. In a dire need to find happiness and fulfillment from your spouse, you fail to understand that he or she can't offer either of the two because, just like you, he or she is also deficient of both if he or she hasn't found his or her purpose in life. However, if your spouse have already found his or her purpose in life, the much he or she can do is help you find yours.
Even though happiness is a self-derived feeling, your personal decision of leading a happy life will always be a short lived glory without purpose on board. Purpose is the rationale that necessitates your present life and secures your future.
If you can't answer the question; WHO AM I which literally translates to WHAT IS MY PURPOSE, you are definitely wandering aimlessly in life without any pursuit whatsoever. Finding your purpose in life is the greatest achievement you will ever accord yourself. This discovery will not only give you SELF-IDENTITY and point your life to the right direction, it will also desist you from leading a frivolous and mediocre lifestyle, simultaneously rendering you to a dispensation of immense freedom, happiness and fulfillment and subsequently introducing you to a purpose driven life.
Regardless of you being an introvert or an extrovert, purpose gives your life a meaning and generates you enough power for self-empowerment and to empower others. As much as introverts think that their intrinsic ability to self-recharge can render them spontaneous happiness and fulfillment, the truth of the matter is; without purpose, your introvert personality will only offer inadequate gratification. This means that, finding purpose in life is an overrall need to humanity, personality notwithstanding.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


It has been a while since I last set foot in a mathematics class. Nonetheless, I can still remember my mathematics teacher insisting to see the process through which each student used in arriving at his or her answer. In other words, we had to demonstrate the process through which the answer was realized otherwise, you were considered to have cheated.
The fact that I was highly allergic to mathematics and I still am made me to never master calculus, algebra and most if not all mathematic topics. All the same, the greatest analogical lesson I learned from mathematics is that; in life, a process is more if not equally important than the destination. In other words, it's humanly impossible to arrive at a destination having not gone through a process.
Unfortunately, the present day young generation have developed an extremely unrealistic mindset which tells them that you can wish yourself to an opulent destiny without a smidgen work input. To them I say, "If wishes were horses, beggars would surely ride."  
In my dire quest to figure out why myriad youngsters of the 21st century are so eager to lead unwarranted lavish lifestyles, I didn't have to look further than their present day number one tool of motivation or so you'd think. This tool is nothing else but the internet. In this day and age, the internet has become the forth item in the cluster of basic needs.
Even though it's inarguably true that internet technology has made the world a global village by enhancing entrepreneurship methodologies and easing communication means by replacing traditional means of communication with instant ones, I am not lost of the fact that internet technology has likewise fostered utopianism among the young generation inhibiting their ability to think that; success in life entails a progressive process rather than a mere wishful thinking. In other words; thinking is free but implementing your thoughts is demanding. 
If you are still not certain how internet technology has continued to mislead the young generation to ideal thinking that render them to utopia, here is a perfect example. In their improbable claims that their lavish lifestyles is a great way of inspiring their fellow youngsters, most  affluent youths are continuously posting their daily lifestyle on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and the like. In other words, they are living their entire lives on different social media platforms.
Even if we give them a benefit of doubt and buy to their claim that posting photos of their opulent living and uploading videos of the same is purely a way of inspiring their fellow youngsters, what they are either ignorant about or don't know at all is; in matters success, the story (process) is much more inspirational than the glory. (achievements) In other words, sharing the process of your progressive stuggles that landed you to a successful lifestyle inspires me and makes me resilient in comparison to showing me how successful you are. If you are candid about being inspirational, it's worth noting that; the journey towards your success is more important than your success. While your process towards your success inspires me, your success in absentia of the process intimidates me and makes me suspicious.
On the other hand, youngsters who fail to relate well or distinguish between real and ideal posts and videos portraying opulent lifestyles from their peers tend to develop social media depression. Before you stress your mind about social media posts or videos portraying lavish lifestyles, it's very imperative to know that most of these people are either leading ideal lives of show-off while others upload videos on YouTube for lucrative purposes.
While using social media platforms for  purposes of staying connected or airing your veiws on matters of interest is perfectly okay, engaging in what I call social media surveillance, which is; browsing social media platforms to compare yourself with your peers renders you to feelings of stress, anxiety and the like. At first it seems like a harmless silent social media stalking but in the lapse of time it leads to dissatisfaction and eventually to symptoms of depression.
In this day and age, almost every one seems to have this social media persona. Once a social media user creates a perfect image of himself or herself, it becomes difficult to break away from the hype and share about the struggles he or she might be going through in life thus the need to understand that; all that glitters isn't gold.
With this knowledge well encrypted on your fingertips, kindly stop beating up yourself out of lavish ideal lifestyles of your social media friends or role models. Using social media platforms to size up your accomplishments against others will eventually render you to social media depression just like the saying; 'Comparison is the thief of joy.'

Thursday, October 8, 2020


I grew up during the days when success was associated with going to school to pursue one among the four careers namely; a teacher, a physician, a pilot or an engineer. These four professionals were deemed to be the abolition of generational destitution in any family collectively.
To substantiate my parent's claims that education was indeed the key to a blight successful future was Henry Maboki's swahili song (someni vijana) that had hijacked the crowning of the village rooster as the wakeup alarm every school day morning. At one point, the familiarity of this song had become a nuisance to me goading me to truancy.
If you have been wondering where the rain started beating us when it comes to the decades old misconception of what success is all about, look no further than the careers our parents perceived as lucrative and coerced us into pursuing them regardless of your inability. It didn't matter how talented you were in sports, how innovative you were, whether you were adept self made tech guru in the entire village or the best concerto soloist in the church choir, if your future ambitions weren't within the confines of a teacher, a physician, a pilot or an engineer, your expertise was  promptly rendered futile.
Today more than ever before, the delusion of decades ago on the definition of success as accumulation of money and material possessions has propagated to both millennials and generation Z and it seems as if it's here to stay if no immediate measures are taken to demystify this spurious belief. 
In this day and age, this biased misconception has become a total detriment across all age groups without any solution at sight whatsoever. 
To make matters worse, the already
deluded generation on the definition of success as the accumulation of material possessions has been fooled twice that;  becoming an affluent person isn't a matter of riches accumulation only, it also entails accumulating riches at a young age. This deceit has not only fostered opulence gluttony, it has likewise obliterated morality by promoting corruption in different entities in a dire need to feed the greed of instant gratification.
In a 2016 study that was conducted in East African Institute of Aga Khan University comprising 1,854 youths aged between 18-35 years, 50% said that it doesn't matter how they attain riches, corruption included as long as they won't end up in jail. In addition to that, 35% said they would give or take bribes. This study clearly shows the vast integrity anomalies prevalent among the present day young generation with a smidgen hope of a successful future if any.
Contrary to the old English saying that; life starts at forty, words like late bloomers doesn't exist among the vocabularies of the present day young generation. This is a generation that wants to graduate from school on Monday get a job on Tuesday, own an edifice in an affluent neighborhood on Wednesday, buy a limousine on Thursday, throw a lavish nuptial party on Friday and jet-off to an island for a blissful and utopic honeymoon over the weekend. No wonder the adaptation of their popular acronym; YOLO (You Only Live Once) and a phrase like; I would rather cry in a Mercedes Benz than be blissful on a bicycle.
Having been around for over four decades now, I am well versed that; success is neither dependent upon the major you pursue in school nor the riches you accumulate thus the saying; the poorest man is he whose only riches is money.
Just like the biblical words inked in the gospel of John 8:32, 'And you will know the truth and it will set you free,' my intent is to demystify the decades old misconception that ties success with monetary possessions. SUCCESS IS THE OUTCOME OF A STUDIOUS PLAN, AN ADROIT PROCESS, A RESOLUTE PRINCIPLE AND ACHIEVED SELF-ACTUALIZATION PURPOSE. Needless to say, the fact that 64% of the world population never find their purpose in life makes it easier to believe that success is purely monetary based. In a simplistic elucidation, success is nothing but;  PURPOSE FULFILLED.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020


My introductory part of this compendium is from the 1st letter of Paul to the church in Corinth. 'No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.' 1st Corinthians 10:13.
Despite the authenticity of every scripture in the holy bible from Genesis to Revelation, I am still in a total dilemma on which year to blame on matters covid-19. Should 2019 bear the blame for allowing a deadly virus to stem within its span of twelve months or should we blame 2020 for harbouring a deadly virus which the year 2020 just like myself knew nothing about. How I wish that 2020 could have totally refrained from being urshered in until 2019 had completely sorted out its covid issues. On a second thought, maybe 2020 wasn't informed that covid was airborne and highly contagious and thus a dire need to social distance itself from the year 2019, use sanitizer on regular basis, put on a face mask and to some extent a face shield.
Well, now that 2020 failed to request God to halt the sun until the battle of covid-19 was won just like Joshua did when he led the Israelite army in a battle with the Amorites, we are left with no other choice but to overcome covid-19 battle with the word of God, prayer and fasting and a total adherence to all the measures put forth by the government through the health experts and all other relevant authorities.
Since the bible says that not a single word of God shall return to Him void, (Isaiah 55:11) the scriptures in 1st Corinthians 10:13 aren't an exception. God is truly making a way out of this deadly covid-19 virus. That's why the world has found an escape route from hardships to happiness through the Zulu composed song JERUSALEMA which has seen the entire world dancing to its sublime rhythm even without a smidgen understanding of a single word in Zulu language.
Written by Kgaogelo Moagi and her vocalist  counterpart Nomcebo Zikode who also took a center stage in dancing to its tune and rhythm, the song was produced by Kgaogelo Moagi a.k.a. Master KG and was realeased on 29th November 2019 thus my title JERUSALEMA-19. Bearly one year later, the song has garnered 155 million views on YouTube and still counting.
On July 20th this year, the song was released on streaming services after going viral due to a JERUSALEMA CHALLENGE remix released on 19th June this year. Today, the song has been translated to a number of languages internationally which includes; Spanish, Swedish and Dutch among others. It has also reached number one in Belgium and Switzerland while peaking in the top ten of multiple other European countries.
While multiple YouTube videos featuring the song has garnered over 500 million views, the song has gotten every age group dancing to its tune and rhythm. From little kids to teens, young to the old, no one wants to be left behind. People from all walks of life, all professionals from men and women in blue, doctors and nurses, teachers and students, cashiers and shoppers, sick and healthy, drunk and sober, rich and poor.........and the list is endless. This is a song that have incorporated human beings of all walks of life despite their socioeconomic status, rejuvenated the long lost sense of empathy due to covid-19 and in the process, two great things are happening; the world is finding happiness amidst the hardships of covid-19 and God the almighty is being praised by all people despite the faith they profess since Jerusalema is a gospel song. The JERUSALEMA CHALLENGE is a true fulfillment of King Solomon words inked in Psalms 150:6 'Let everything that has breathe praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!'
Thank you madam Lily Kabi for your lesson on how to dance JERUSALEMA.

Monday, September 21, 2020


There is a centuries old African adage that says; "Mwacha mila ni mutumwa." This translates; Anyone who abandons his or her culture becomes a slave. You can argue otherwise till cows come home but this proverb is inarguably true to this very day and age.
The word UBUNTU comes from the largest enthic group in Africa namely; THE BANTUS. This enthic group spreads from the great forests of Congo through the plateaus and savanna grasslands of East Africa, down to the Limpopo and Victoria falls and further south to the land of tata Nelson Rolihlahla Madiba Mendela.
In its simplest form,UBUNTU means; I am because we are. However, for those like myself who have never decided to negate our rich African culture, we well understand that the profound phrase of Ubuntu is; 'Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu' which literally means that; a person is a person through other people.
Unfortunately, most of the 21st century people especially the young generation have totally negated their super rich ancestry culture no wonder the present day immortality. In a dire need of seeking to fit in the modern digital world of technology, we have become slaves of technology and our ancestry culture that's loaded with morality is rapidly disappearing by each passing day.
If you are waiting for prophets to deliver the message of disintegration of humanity, you must have missed the memo from philosophers like Albert Einstein who once said; "I fear the day technology will surpass human interaction because the world will have a generation of idiots." This prophecy though not from a prophet but from a philosopher is now at hand.
As we continue down the tragic trajectory of humanity disintegration due to vast technology that continues to turn reality into virtual and feelings into fantasy, please let's not get lost of that the spirit of UBUNTU is the only spirit of genuine friendships and longevity relationships that can rekindle the long lost rich culture of togetherness.
Kindly let's slow down on technology which enables us to connect with a thousand virtual friends but not a real genuine physical friend. I am not against technology whatsoever, my urgent concern is the need to strike a balance between virtual and reality.
I am well informed that we won't rekindle the old is gold lifestyle at a glance, nonetheless it's very imperative to understand that time is of essence because we are at the vague of getting obliterated by technology. Citing the words of Margaret Beckett; "Humankind has the science and technology to destroy itself or provide prosperity for all, but while science offers us these opportunities, science won't make that choice for us. Only moral power of the world acting like a community will.",  I don't think it can get more clear than that. ........ the choice is ours.
With those words well encrypted in our finger tips forstering us to reinvigorate the long lost spirit of ubuntu, let's not succumb to the deterrent of the saying; 'Every man for himself and God for us all,' but instead embrace the spirit of brotherhood and live by the wise words of King Solomon inked in Proverbs 17:17 'A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.' By so doing, we shall portray the authentic depiction of African congeniality that is deeply inscribed in the spirit of UBUNTU: 'I AM BECAUSE WE ARE.'

Monday, September 7, 2020


It's through attending numerous academic institutions that I can afford to construct a grammatically correct sentence or so I think. Nonetheless, all I became after years of attending various academic institutions was a literate person who became adept intellectually but totally inept integrity wise.
Even though education is an essential aspect towards acquiring intelligence, it only offers intellectual knowledge while empowerment gives you integrity subjecting you to morality and dexterity which renders you to wisdom and mental freedom. 
I don't have a  smidgen ill motive of   discrediting our academic institutions whatsoever, all that I want to bring to your attention is; since knowledge isn't a virtue, you can't count on it to become a better person or lead a purpose driven life. In other words; KNOWLEDGE IS NOT INDEPENDENT BUT INTERDEPENDENT. You can acquire all the knowledge you want but without wisdom you're life will stagnate. Wisdom begets knowledge but knowledge can never ever beget wisdom. That's why we have learned-fools but not wise-fools. Kindly seek wisdom because; The wise inherit honor, but fools are put to shame! Proverbs 3:35
It goes without saying that; experience is the best teacher. Although some life experiences are not worth the lesson, thus a dire need to heed to a word of caution, to a larger extent, this adage is inarguably true.
The dreadful life experiences are the so called SCHOOL OF LIFE and all the lessons offered there that will guarentee a successful future if, and only if well understood are appalling.
Nevertheless, the greatest problem that most people face is a short memory span which at times tends to be a selective amnesia. This aspect of forgetting the lesson that a dreadful life experience taught you have not only subjected many people to a state of recurring problems but have also rendered them to a life of mediocrity and affirmed the decades old defination of insanity as, doing the same thing the same way over and over again and expecting different results. 
If there is an area that we as Africans and especially my beloved Kenyans that we have and I am not sure if we shall ever learn from the repeated dreadful life experiences is the issue of voting the same corrupt and unscrupulous politicians in the name of leaders over and over again but expecting different results in their 'leadership.' The fact that they are learned with more degrees than a thermometer dosen't mean that they have a smidgen aspect of wisdom. Leadership starts with wisdom not knowledge. 
Voting these morally decayed politicians times without number proofs that the myriad unbearable inhumanity problems that have continued to permeate our beloved country is a problem of our making. With a bait of handouts amounting to a few shillings, we have continued to sell our votes just like the biblical Esau who traded his birth right with a bowl of lentil soup. 
If anything, our decades reapted mistakes is a genuine prove that; we as a nation that claims to be free aren't close to learning from the ungracious school of life even after increased destitution after every general election.
Although time of learning from the years of dreadful destitution experiences as a result of evil governance which we the citizens are guilty of voting in every five years is long overdue, the fact that we have lost numerous second chances is a clear proof that; "A second chance is only beneficial if your failure was a lesson."

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Direct your children onto the right path and when they are old, they will not depart from it.’ Proverbs 22:6
Even though I don’t have a smidgen intention to alter this scripture or any single biblical word since I am well informed of the consequences as per Revelation 22:18b, the truth that will set you free is the practical knowledge that in the present day and age children 
are departing from the right path regardless of a great upbringing. However, the fact that the 21st century children are veering off from the right trajectory of life shouldn’t foster parents and guardians to abrogate their first priority towards their children; that is, effective parenting. 
Establishing a good, valuable and robust childhood foundation during the formative years of your children is extremely imperative. If you feed your children’s subconscious minds with a fundamental of great propitious memories, you accord them a Point of 
Reference in their future years which will times without number enable them to come back to their senses whenever they veer off from the morality of life. The only reason to why the biblical prodigal son came back to his senses was because his father had given him a great Point of Reference during his upbringing. Your failure as a parent or guardian to inculcate morals and ethics in your children during their formative years is a way of denying them their fundamental parental right and exposing them to the cruel world without any integrity armor whatsoever. It’s also denying them a worthwhile Point of Reference to extricate them from a detrimental lifestyle (s) whenever a need is at hand.    I totally understand that you are an assiduous person and a conscientious hard working parent, that you spend the whole day in meetings, chasing the dollar or driving around seeing obstinate clients and putting out fires. When the day comes to a close, you are too exhausted to even think about the children who made you qualify to become a parent. In this day and age when most parents if not all have been infected with TB (Too 
Busy) becoming IDPs, (Internally Displaced Parents) children will continue to make poor choices for lack of guidance and mentorship in all areas of life. This is an extremely negative effect which might pass to the future generations if parents don’t reconnect with their children and uphold their responsibility of spending quality time with them, which is the best way to feed children’s emotional needs. Every parent should well understand that children are entitled to moments of quality time with a parent. (s) In other words, spending quality time with your children is their right not a privilege.
For those parents who still believe that parenting is all about provision of the three God mandated basic needs; food, clothing and shelter plus the two government enforced ones namely; healthcare and education, you must have missed the recent parenting memo which demands every parent to spend quality time and establish a good rapport with his or her children. Spending quality time with your children is the greatest way of exercising the most important human senses which are; see, hear and touch. That’s why quality time should entail visiting new sceneries, verbal phrases to affirm and reaffirm your love and physical hugs to confirm and reconfirm your fondness. If your children will not relate with you, there are higher chances of relating with the wrong people or worse still, relating to alcohol, drugs and other indecorous lifestyles.
Parenting is both a difficult and a laborious job which lays bare all your strengths and weaknesses, all your vulnerabilities and your pre-conceived notions of what you always thought it would be. Nevertheless, since you run around with a very expensive title, there is a dire need to preserve it with all means possible and through thick and thin. It’s also very imperative to understand that parenting is a holistic responsibility that should be undertaken with total acumen without missing a bit or implying erroneous assumptions.
Most parents don’t take enough time if any to better understand their children. It’s very important for parents to understand that; no parent-children connection that can take place without effective communication. Effective communication should thus be the 
paramount thing between these two parties with a total knowledge that; effective communication is only complete when understanding is derived. Every time the understanding between these two parties fail; things starts to run haywire and that’s when the blame game sets in. Blame game was, is, but with the application of effective 
communication yielding to complete understanding, I am totally hopeful that blame game will not persist to be the major word of conflict between or among any type of human relationship not to rule out parent-children relationship. The word; ‘blame’ in many cases is a product of negligence or ignorance which promotes acts of irresponsibility. When 
that registers in your mind, I am sure you won’t hesitate to agree with me that; 
irresponsibility is the abandonment of conscious and ignorance of accountability.
Although many people like justifying their negligence and ignorance, both of these two vices are indefensible. The only way to break the blame game tradition is by teaming up and ensuring that every team member fully understands and performs his or her duties and responsibilities to the fullness of his or her ability. When all is said and done, I truly believe that we will come up with a generation of totally responsible children and young adults who will later become dependable for a better tomorrow. ‘Unity is strength ‘and ‘united we stand and divided we fall.’ Besides these two English adages that we apply in our every day’s life, the bible puts an accentuation through these words; ‘Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.’ Matthew 18:19 In other words; mutual agreement does not only help to facilitate a mutual relationship of give take and take give, it also validates its authenticity through articulate reciprocity (I need you as much as you need me) or through ubuntu. (I am because we are)
Parents; we have to develop a mutual relationship with our children if we are totally desperate of overcoming this present generation of troubled children. The bible puts it this way; ’How then can two walk without an agreement? ‘Amos 3:3 Noting that there is an obligation to connect with our children in order to surmount life challenges, there is also 
a dire need to establish a social capital with them, always bearing in mind that; Parents’ inspirations enhances teens’ aspirations.

Sunday, July 26, 2020


On 11th October 2011, the United Nations declared the International Day of a Girl-child which was later inaugurated on the 11th October the following year. The agenda of the International Day of a Girl Child is to promote girls’ rights, highlight gender inequalities that remain between girls and boys and address various forms of discrimination and 
abuse suffered by girls around the world. Gender inequalities include; right and access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care and protection from discrimination, violence against women, child marriage and honor killing.
Nevertheless, in many countries, girl-child discrimination continues to prevail from childhood through teenage all the way to adulthood. In such countries, there isn’t any doubt that the achievement of gender parity has been delayed if not denied. These are 
the same countries that continue to embrace antiquated cultural practices. These practices include; female genital mutilation, son preference, child marriage and gender inequality, violence against women, honor killing, sexual exploitation sexual abuse among others.
Although these norms are often embedded in traditional or religious discourses thus creating an environment where unequal treatment between boys and girls seems to be acceptable, they strip away women’s autonomy denying their fundamental right to self-
determination. Every time girls are treated as inferior and are socialized to put themselves last, their self-esteem is diminished. Lack of self-esteem initiates a lifelong downward spiral of deprivation and exclusion from the social mainstream. At this present age, there is a dire need to take initiatives in order to prepare girls to participate actively, 
effectively and equally with boys at all levels of social, economic, political and cultural leadership not only in the developed countries but across the globe.
Today, the percentage of girls enrolled in secondary (high) schools still remains 
significantly low in many countries. More so, girls are often not encouraged or given the opportunity to pursue scientific and technological training and education. This act does not only limit the knowledge they require for their daily lives; it also minimizes their opportunities of getting employment in the high tech companies. On the other hand, when girls are less encouraged than boys to participate in and learn about the social, economic and political functioning of the society, it deters their ability to take part in decision-making processes.
In most cases, boys are encumbered by massive disguised misogyny that alters their perception towards girls’ not as precious humans but as avenues for pleasure and sex fulfillment. This is a confection of degradation and peculiar reasoning that makes it more imperative for girls to get more support towards integral sex education. More emphasis 
should be stressed on girls since they bear more agony in matters of teen pregnancy where more than 15 million girls aged 15-19 years give birth each year around the globe. 
Teen pregnancy continues to be an impediment to improvements not only in the education sector but also in economic and social status of girls around the globe. Overall, child marriage and early motherhood can severely curtail educational and employment opportunities and are likely to have a long term adverse impact on these 
young girls and their children’s quality of present and future life.

Sunday, July 5, 2020


Despite the fact that God created a man and endowed leadership in him and moreover the first child to be born on earth was a boy, masculinity has tremendously continued to be emasculated through time. Biblical compendiums confirm that crisis of masculinity aren't an incipient tragedy. The life of a boy-child has been in the list of the endangered spies since the ancient days of the Old Testament when Pharaoh ordered the Egyptian midwives to kill every boy-child during birth. The same order was given by Herod in the New testament when he ordered the killing of all newborn male children in a dire need to fulfill his atrocious plan to infanticide Jesus. Despite the fact that both Moses and Jesus escaped the massacre and went ahead to lead the children of God from captivity, male offspring has remained in the hit list of hell to this day. With that in mind, it's our responsibility to change this centuries old narrative through intensive and relentless efforts and witness a future generation of liberated and empowered boy-child.
 Noting that a man is the foundation of a family, when families are combined, they make a community, when communities are amalgamated, they become a nation and when nations are integrated, they form the world. Psalms 9:11 'If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?'
For a very long time, we have spent restless days and sleepless night empowering a girl-child on a very weak foundation namely; the boy-child forgetting that the entire structure is a time bomb awaiting to explode because the foundation can no longer bear the enormous structural weight.
If we are serious about a steady and intact structure, it's a high time to gentrify the foundation. (boy-child) Otherwise, our negligence in matters boy-child empowerment will surely not stand the test of time.

Sunday, June 21, 2020


The greed that fosters corruption can only be identified with the words; enough is never enough, not yesterday, today, tomorrow or forever. As unscrupulous corruption perpetrators progress or regress into their addiction in a dire need to derive sufficient gratification and feed their greed, they have totally continued to disregard the words of Mohandas Gandhi; ‘The earth provides enough resources for everybody’s need but not for everybody’s greed.’ It goes without saying that; you never get enough of what you don’t really need. With these corrupt individuals pursuing opulence, their overwhelming and insatiable passion isn’t about getting rich but richer and still richer. Without any doubt whatsoever, their vast greed isn’t a virtuous cycle but a markedly vicious one.  ‘Much more’ is the keyword that denotes their total addiction to greed that triggers corruption. It’s very unfortunate that the ante of getting more than enough is always on the rise.
 Of all the things one might be addicted to, nothing tops the greed-laden pursuit of riches through deprivation of public resources. In its audacity, greed is totally manipulative and gross insensitivity to the needs and feelings of others. Realistically speaking, materialistically pursuit of happiness fosters corruption which is a societal vice that’s gloomed and doomed to fail sooner than later citing that, it's a goal that can never be achieved not to mention its extreme, myopic, irresponsible covetousness. By default, vast acts of corruption have continued to permeate in our motherland with an extremely supersonic speed. Corruption is just but an immoral vice that have for decades continued to subject the dear lives of citizens to miserable livelihoods and subject them to great fear to appoint that they are unable to deplore it. 
In general, greed of riches has everything to do with a feeling of opulence elation and also offers a kind of self-inoculation. What perpetual accumulation of illegitimate riches inoculates into the perpetrators of graft is the impostor syndrome which is the underlying and barely recognized feelings of guilt and shame which stems from a belief that deep down, they are not only failures in the society but also don’t deserve the already illegitimate accumulated riches. Greater and greater possessions are required to help them sustain their cherished illusion that they are vastly rich than others making it the most convenient narcissistic fix for whatever subterranean doubts they maybe tying to harbor about themselves.
Contagious corruption has for decade continued to disseminate in all government parastatals and other public entities like a bush fire. In a dire need to feed their greed, the masterminds of graft have a total negligence of conscience and humanity and are always willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy their narcissism. However, their mere 
thoughts that promotes a weird idea that accumulation of material possessions will render them to a happy and peaceful lifestyle is just but a fallacy. Happiness and peace attainment can only be observed from a spiritual perspective. By spiritual perspective, I'm envisioning the ideal state as emanating from a variety of non-materialistic achievements. This would include establishment of social capital that adds personal value and supports place attachment leading to the development of mutually self-disclosing relationships filled with unconditional love, respect, self-identity, self-efficacy and self-acceptance. It’s extremely imperative to know that, a person’s well-being is unassailable through invariance social capital networks that aren’t susceptible to monetary variations.
The very moment you begin to experience contentment as a result of illegitimate acquired possessions rather than complacence thereof, neither possession accumulation nor fame and publicity are pivotal to your happiness. Although such a remarkable experience might times without number render you to a total peace of mind and self-driven satisfaction, it shall never ever rob you guilty conscience and impostor 
phenomenon. The imaginary utopia is just but an ebullience of your thoughts and feelings that blocks the gloom and doom that may be happening externally.
Pursuing happiness through the acquisition of riches, through amassing more and more possessions is a fool's pursuit. For once such material appetite is aroused, at a certain point it becomes insatiable. When you substitute your humane with material possessions with a mentality of a life-term satisfaction, the pleasures and gratifications they yield are more or less fleeting. It’s extremely imperative to note that; no amount of 
money can suffice. Out of the present day rampant greed, fortune seeking has become both obsessive and compulsive. When that critical line is crossed, the pursuit is no longer a means to some presumably fulfilling end, it is the end. This occurrence validates the biblical words of Paul to his adorable friend Timothy. ‘For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people craving money have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.’ 1st Timothy 6:10 
Even thought corruption as an illegitimate pursuit of material possession has times without number been fruitful, the eccentric goons of this societal detrimental vice are more often left in the self-defeating position of hunting down that which can never ever 
feed their vast greed. Like an unquenchable thirst, not the riches but the intemperate lust for riches can never be satisfied. Materialistically searching for happiness through accumulating possessions invariably cries out for more material possessions. ‘Nothing is enough for a man whom enough is too little.’ Epicurus
This incessant seeking for what can never be definitively achieved explains why myriad corrupt persons are extremely hostile, aggressive, merciless and inhumane in their ongoing relentless efforts to accrue more possessions. Addictively chasing immeasurable riches, a fortune going far beyond the dreams of avarice as though such a radical pursuit will miraculously absolve their selfish deeds, they end up being monomaniacal and overly inhumane.
The sooner we understand that money can neither buy happiness nor fulfill relationships and it certainly doesn't have the power to generate unconditional acceptance of self, the quicker we will set ourselves free from decades old societal detriment of corruption. The 
decades old misconception that ties money with personal happiness is a biased ideology worth reprimand. Nonetheless, greed addicts are hardly focused on depleting or disbursing their fortune but on acquiring and maintaining it. Unconsciously, they link their fundamental human value to their financial worth. What drives their behavior is accumulating as much riches as possible and then using it to acquire still more riches. If your self-worth and happiness are measured against monetary currency, your self-worth 
holds no difference with shares and stocks; it will always rise or fall in accordance with the success or failure of your present enterprise.
The perpetrators of corruption callous lifestyles does not only portray their inhumanity but is also a crystal-clear evidence that their greed triggered infinite pursuit of illegitimate riches is a debacle that can never ever bring them the perpetual happiness and peace of mind. Despite of their blithe disregard of their immorality, the society isn’t lost that their act of corruption leads to citizen’s destitution and subsequently stagnation of developments in the entire nation. To add salt into the injury, their profane utterances like; ”why hire a lawyer when you can buy a judge,” begs the question; is our judicial structure behind this capitalistic system which regrettably supports ceaseless avaricious ventures because not even one corrupt person has ever been indicted and incarcerated?   

Saturday, June 20, 2020


Tuesday 16th June we wake up to a very significant day; A DAY OF THE AFRICAN CHILD. whose theme this year was: ACCESS TO A CHILD-FRIENDLY JUSTICE SYSTEM IN AFRICA.
As it is my tradition, I did a Facebook post about the commemoration of the day and the awareness thereof. Unfortunately, when the news started disseminating, our children justice system got another extremely heavy burden as the news of 3,964 TEEN PREGNANCY within the last five months in Machakos county started trending.
Out of my great concern and outcry over these extremely unethical occurrence  that portrays how rotten our morals are, please join me this afternoon in DM MAX at 4pm-5pm CST which is 12 am-1am East Africa time as we discuss matters on TEEN PREGNANCY.
Feel free to reach us through our different avenues;
Facebook page: diasporamediamax
Phone number: + 1 571 350 0039
For your adverts and other official matters, our business phone number is ; 205 835 2710

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


'If you do not know where you come from, then you don't know where you are, and if you don't know where you are, then you don't know where you're going. And if you don't know where you're going, you're probably going wrong.' Terry Pratchett
As a matter of concurrence, in his 1978 song; 'Buffalo soldier,' Bob Marley simplified the quote. 'If you know your history, then you would know where you coming from.'
Noting that it has been four decades plus since Bob Marley's simplicition of the quote, in my own words i will say, "History is the story upon which our glory will be glorified."
The knowledge and understanding of black history is the only way through which we can know and understand how we have continued to suffer under the centuries old immorality of racism. It's only by having a crystal-clear knowledge and understanding of how we got here that we will know, why we are here, demonstrating. 
I am a stout believer of the phrase; 'if you don't have anything to say, don't say it here.' This simply means, if your speech is a rhetoric talk, kindly stay quiet. Although little knowledge is dangerous, it's far much better than ignorance.
To help you understand my school of thought, amidst the millions of people who are participating in the global call to end racism in the United states, a young lady of an African descent who happens to be an American by naturalization, which might be the reason to why she don't have a smidgen historical knowledge of the 401 years of African Americans  recurring systemic and systematic oppression had the audacity to belittle the black lives matter movement by saying, " black lives matter is a joke." She went ahead to call the demonstrators hypocrites and attention seekers. 
As fate would have it, I was left wondering why her acknowledgment that there are no schools in Chicago and other black cities didn't bring back her senses if any to just reason why black cities and communities don't have good schools. Her great worry that 'her country' will be portrayed as a violent nation was biased and nonsensical. All she could see were the consequences but not the cause of the centuries old racial problem. It's only out of total ignorance that anyone can possess a mindset of a peaceful United States with the present day unrest that's rampant around the nation. 
To rebut her myopic thought of a free United States, let me point out just but a few systematic policies that have continued to oppress African Americans since the dark days of slavery. 
UNDER FUNDED BLACK SCHOOLS: This problem has been recurring since 1951 when a 16 years old African American girl by the name Barbara Johns led a demonstration because of the vast inequality in her school system in Prince Edward county Virginia. To my bewilderment, what followed was totally reprehensible. Instead of solving the problem, all the public schools were shut down for five years in the entire county. While African American kids stayed home, white kids continued to attend all white academies through a tax payers funded vouchers, meaning; part of the African American taxes were used to educate white kids while their children stayed home.
Hitherto, under funded black schools have continued to produce poor quality education which marks the beginning of unending African American societal problems. 
WAR ON DRUGS: A good reference is Tulia-46. This example goes beyond cops planting drugs in the pockets of African American men or inside their vehicles during a routine traffic stop. Tulia-46 is the most evil act of racism and injustice in the history of war on drugs. It's an occurrence where 46 African Americans were arrested in Tulia Texas on 23rd July 1999 on false allegations that they were drug dealers. Out of the 46 who were arrested, 36 were convicted and incarcerated. Although they were later pardoned by the Texas governor in 2003 citing racial profiling and judicial misconduct, their jail term range was between 20 years and 341 years.
It's worthy nothing that; the mass incarceration of African Americans men (much of it is as a result of judicial bias) has a massive detriment not only to these men psychological wellbeing but also to their productivity in their families and the community at large. The fact that finding a job with a felony record is like winning a rotary is an aspect that robs a man his God given preserve as a provider and renders him to a life of hopelessness which is the worst case scenario. To add salt in the injury, a felony proceeds to rob the man his voting right. In some states like Florida where permanent felony defranchisement is observed, your voting right can be suppressed for a period of 14 good years and can only reinstated through a governor's petition. 
Even though mass incarceration of African American men is an example of racism by its own, it's the highly preferred way of voter suppression because it guarantees a long period of ensuring that African American men are refrained  from the voting booth for the longest. 
VOTER SUPPRESSION: It's easy to say, "my vote my voice." Nonetheless, what happens when your 1965 voting rights are suppressed? Voter  suppression is the latest formula of kicking African Americans out of the voting booth. This heinous activity is articulated through mandatory requirement of a government issued photo ID while registering to vote not withstanding that a public housing ID (which is a government issued photo ID ) isn't legitimate for this cause. Voter suppression is the reason why the then governor of Alabama shut down 67 DMV offices in 2015 most of them in African American communities in order to restrain them from applying for government issued IDs. Voter suppression was responsible for the poor turnout of African Americans during the 2016 general elections where 8% reduction of African Americans votes was recorded. Voter suppression is also done through the introduction of poll taxes where you are required to pay a smidgen fee to become a registered voter despite the claims that the 24th amendment of 1964 abolished poll taxes. 
Those were just but a few systematic policies that have continued to undermine the rights of African Americans for centuries. It's worthy noting that; if you rob a man his hope, you give him a right to become hostile because he has nothing else to lose. The reason to why we are waking up to massive black lives matter demonstratorations and unrest on a daily basis is because of a biased system of governance that have deliberately failed to listen to the centuries old plead of African Americans, 'I CAN'T BREATHE.' A centuries old cry to mitigate the pain of African Americans plight has resulted to violence in a dire need to be heard. In the words of Martin Luther king jr, 'Riot is the language of the unheard.'
Although the present day agony of demonstrators is deeper than the pain of 8 minutes and 46 seconds that the police knee was on the neck of George Floyd, the objective of the worldwide black lives matter demonstratorations goes beyond the murder of George Floyd. It's the lamentation and bitterness of four centuries of broken and biased system of governance that fosters racial profiling, racial injustice, bigotry, racial inequality and the like in the United States. A system that has never ever recognized African Americans as equal human beings. This is a perfect example of the animal farm where it was believed that all animals were equal but some were more equal than others.
I am not lost of the truth that a dreadful experience of 401 years cannot be addressed overnight. Nonetheless, this begs the question; how long will African Americans continue living like fugitives in their own country? 
To anyone who wishes to challenge the cry of African Americans due to denial of their long overdue justice on equality, first finish your homework on African American studies and put your facts in the right order because black lives matter is a factual issue not a fiction. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Growing up in African savanna grassland, a region south of the Sahara and north of the Limpopo, I always considered myself a tetrachromat. The words black or color blind had never crossed my mind.
Unfortunately, my artesian sunset brown complexion identity was only a short lived joy which was disreputed the very moment I set foot on 'the land of the free because of the brave.' Upon losing my complexion identity of two decades plus without my consent, I became subject to a rebrand where my artesian sunset brown complexion identity was replaced with; A BLACK MAN. 
For a moment, I thought that my flight of 24 hours had not only subjected me to a jet lag but had simultaneously turned me to a color blind. I was extremely eager to confirm my instantaneous complexion change at the nearest mirror encounter.
All the same, it didn't take me long to know that the sudden change of my complexion identity was a tactic to subjugate my self-esteem and subsequently render me to an inferior mindset. Although I never urged my case out, in reference to my 6th grade art and craft knowledge, I was well informed that; black is not a color. A black object absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and reflects none of them to the eyes. With that in mind, my self-conviction on this matter could not allow anyone challenge my intellect. This led me to the decades old quote; 'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.' Anne Elena Roosevelt.
They say; When in Rome, do as the Romans do.' The fact that you can do what the Romans do dosen't mean you  have to think how they think. Thinking is a self-imposed aspect that leads to a conscious decision. A person who controls your actions isn't a great threat but anyone who controls your mind subjects you to slavery. 
After a period of 246 years of slavery, majority of the people never expected African Americans to ever regain their consciousness. Just like in the bible in the book of Exdous 1:12; 'But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread; so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites.' So are the African American. It doesn't matter how oppressed they are, God is still granting them favour amidst pain. 
When Pharaoh's oppression against Israelites became futile, he ordered the murder of the firstborn boys but God saved them through the two Egyptian midwives. In a matter of contrast, slaves were likewise subjected to lynching and repatriation. 
It's very unfortunate that, after a period of 135 years after the abolishment of slavery, some caucasian still possess that 19th century retarded mentality where they think that African Americans are inferior human beings because of their complexion. 
On the entire planet earth, there only exist one race namely; THE HUMAN RACE. This is well recorded in the book of Genesis 5:2, 'He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.' The interpretation of the word MANKIND is; a man with kindness. In reference to the Lord's prayer, (Matthew 6:9) we find that the entire human race hails from one ancestry namely; OUR FATHER who's dwelling place is heaven.
The fact that some people think that they are superior that others is the cause of racism. When lynching and segregation were dehumanized, new tactics of superiority complex mindset were launched against African Americans. To this day and age, prejudice, racial profiling, police brutality leading to vast deaths of African Americans, injustice, mass incarceration and mass shootings of African Americans are a daily occurrence, all in the efforts to subjugate African Americans especially young African Americans men. But why young African Americans men? The easiest way to obliterate a generation is through destroying the seed. Since these young African Americans men are the progenitor, they are being hunted down at every given moment in order to halt procreation among African Americans. In the present day and age, there is a crystal-clear evidence that African Americans are in the list of endangered species. 
Today more than ever before, apart from the decades old structural and institutional racism which for years have subjected African Americans to poor housing, under funded education, injustice and mass incarceration among others, the suppression of their voting rights is alive and well.
Although this is a violation of the voting rights act of 1965 which was won through blood and sweat via the civil rights movement, the introduction of poll taxes and mandatory voter's ID is out to deny African Americans thier constitutional right to vote. Voter suppression is a sure way of ensuring that the decisions that pertains to the plight of African Americans will continue to be made in their absentia. This is my sincere plead to each and every African American who have attained the voting age, kindly ensure that you have registered to vote no matter how tedious the process is. Let's make voting a collective responsibility like the Alabamians did during the 12th December 2017 senatorial elections.
Whether or not they fear the dominance of African Americans  genes against their recessive ones is a story of another day. Nonetheless, it's extremely imperative to understand that; despite the lapse of time, the centuries old mindset that once perceived African Americans as inferior human beings is still alive and well. 
Kindly let's speak out against any form of racism with a total conviction that; a day when we will be judged by the content of our character rather than the color of our skin is nearer than ever before.
On my complexion worries, I am very close to believing my mirror. As deceitful as it might be, there have been consistently in my complexion reflections recently. Nonetheless, when all is said and done, it's worth remembering that; 'When the lives and rights of African Americans are at stake, there should be no silent witnesses.'

Monday, May 25, 2020


Today being the 57th commemoration of AFRICA DAY, there is a dire need to assess our mother continent since she is still wanting. 
This years theme is; Silencing the Guns in the context of the COVID19
I thank God because, despite the evil predictions that Africa will be sweeping human bodies in the streets of her major cities, God has been with us in every step of fighting this global pandemic. To this day, Africa is the continent that have had the very minimal cases and deaths out of covid-19. Nonetheless, more work needs to be done especially the adherence to all the set rules towards averting the spread of covid-19.
On the other hand, it's very disheartening to know that; despite being the richest continent in minerals and natural resources, Africa is still lagging behind in economic development in the areas of infrastructure, food security, housing, manufacturing, technology, education and health care.
Kindly let's look beyond the colonial boundaries that have for decades made us perceive disintegrated Africa with 55 countries instead of a unified continent which is capable of controlling the world economy out of its vast minerals and natural resources. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020


I am one person who believes the decades old words of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt who was the 32nd First lady of the United states. "No one can made you feel inferior without your consent."
Since your ears and eyes are the gateway to everything that you know or understand, any person who wishes to rule over you will successfully do so by controlling what you see and what you hear. When I  control what you see, I rule your knowledge and when I control what you hear, I successfully take toll on your understanding. 
The two biblical compendiums that will help you understand my school of thought are; Daniel 1:4 'Young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians.'
Apart from  Daniel who is popularly known by his Israelite name despite being remaned Belteshazzar which is a Babylonian name, the rest of the three young men Hananiah whose name was changed to  Shadrach, Mishael whose name was changed to Meshack and Azariah whose name was changed to Abednego, the rest three are popularly known by their foreign Babylonian names that were forcefully given to them through the order of king Nebuchadnezzar with an intention of  enforcing them into idol worshiping and eventually rule over them.
Even though his evil plan didn't bear fruits, it's a crystal-clear indication that; knowledge and understanding manipulation is an effective way of inculcating an inferiority complex mindset on someone. 
The second tactic was used on Job by his friends during the period of his deadly sickness. Job's friends tried to convince him that his illness was a punishment from God as a result of his sins. These were Job's words to his friends. "Look, my eyes have seen all this, my ears have heard and understood it. What you know, I also know; I am not inferior to you." Job 13:1-2
Just like the four Israelite young men, (Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah) Job totally resisted his friends persuasion which would have subjected him to a state of inferiority complex mindset. 
It's very unfortunate that; in the present day and age, we Africans have continued to allow the so called 'first world countries' to control our knowledge and our thinking an aspect that continues to render us to an inferiority complex mindset and to also confirm to the so called first world countries their centuries old biased mindset of superiority complex. 
While Africa continues be colonized through her inferiority complex mindset that have for years fostered a DONOR MENTALITY, eight west African countries are to this day under an evil orchestrated and strategized colonialism having been coerced into signing the Continuation of colonialism pact before becoming independent. This is an official document that have seen eight African countries deposit their 85% of their bank reserves with French Central bank for decades. Ironically, if need be, (which is obvious) the requisite to access their money must be preceded by submitting a financial statement which should undergo through a process of approval and if, only if they are lucky to be approved, they can get an access of 20% of their previous year deposits inform of loans or commissions with interest rates. This simply means, despite having a credit with France, these countries still owe France. In other words, France loans you your money which you should pay with interest. For every 14 billion US dollars, the government of France gets a return of 300 billion US dollars after investing the money in the French stock market. 
The second wave of how Africa has invited a new colonial regime 'presumably' without her consent is through her profound DONOR MENTALITY that have continued to support her decades old sense of inferiority complex.
Although Africa is the richest continent in the world mineral wise, it's the poorest continent monetary wise in the world. In 2009, the then 54 African countries saw the need to build a new headquarter of African Union in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Nonetheless, with a continent GDP of 2.58 trillion US dollars, Africa could not raise 200 million US dollars to construct her own headquarters and the whole amount  that enabled the construction of the African Unioun edifice was a donation from China.
The irony of the highest degree is the biblical verse that is curved on the base of the statue of Kwane Nkrumah the founding father of the great nation of Ghana. The scripture is from Psalms 68:31; 'Ethiopia (meaning Africa since Ethiopia is a Holy land that represents Africa in the bible) shall lift her hands to God.' The question that should linger in our minds is; Is Africa lifting her hands to God or to China and other countries that continues to benefit from her minerals and other natural resources?
In the present day and age, China has become the leading colonial regime in most African countries through offering predatory loans as a way of gaining receivership of the most lucrative assets from the countries of target since the Chinese government knows very well these African countries will default on their loans. This evil tactic saw Kenneth Kaunda International Airport go under a receivership threat by China in 2018 due to Zambian loan default not to mention that China owns 60% shares of Zambian National media. 
The third wave of present day African colonization strategy is the unending civil war in the world richest country mineral wise. The country is none other than the Democratic Republic of Congo, popularly known as DRC. 
Since 1480s when Portuguese traders set foot in Congo, there have been  endless civil war to this day. In a dire quest to feed their greed of opulence out of the the vast natural riches of mineral resources in Congo, the Portuguese deemed that the only way to enrich themselves was to ensure that Congo remained in a state of anarchy. As long as the Congolese were fighting between themselves, the ambience to feed their evil ambitions remained tranquil. Their iniquitous mission became successful when they destroyed indigenous political forces which were capable of curtailing their slaving or trading agendas. Their successful evil plans of disintegrating the Congolese and rendering them into a govern less anarchy of endemic civil wars have continued to this day. 
The day Africans will realize the power of unity is the day we shall solve a greater percentage of our centuries old problems that have created total destitution in Africa. They divide us in order to rule us and when we are fighting against ourselves, they force some of us to spend restless days and sleepless nights flushing out our minerals which they fly out to their countries and then donate to us a smidgen amount of money out of the millions they earn not only from our minerals but also from out sweat. 

What we have in Africa are not countries but colonial boundaries that they have used for centuries to divide us and ease their diabolical acts of Africa impoverishment. The bitter truth that we have to swallow in order to liberate ourselves from the centuries old DONOR MENTALITY is; we have continued to allow them to manipulate us through our inferiority complex mindset.