Thursday, January 28, 2021

Why remind us Mr President?

I must have missed the news, or my memo was sent to the wrong address because the last time I consulted my memory, the son of Jomo was still the president of my beloved motherland. 
The reason behind my dilemma between the former and the latter is purely based on the fact that, in less than a fortnight, the president has more than once reminded us that he is still the lion incharge, and his roar can clearly be heard in all the 47 counties. 
From my school of conscious thoughts, his constant reminder relates well with the Kiswahili proverb; Chema chajiuza kibaya chajitembeza,' which literally translates; while greatness is irresistible, failure is condescending.
His constant reminder that he is the president brings back my memories of years back when my immediate neighbour in the village would occasionally line up his children upon getting home totally intoxicated. In his befuddled state, he would stridently ask his children; "Do you know who I am?" "Who do your mother tell you I am?" Before they could gather some courage to answer him, he would hurriedly say, "I am the lion in this house and when I sneeze, everybody must response." 
The president's deep faith in his presidency which contrives his constant reminders that he is still incharge begs the question; Did he miss the Sunday school class when the teacher qouted James 2:17? 'Faith without works is dead.'  Giving him a benefit of doubt by assuming that he has never missed a single Sunday school class won't annul the truth thatMoments of self-guilt contrives spontaneous occurrences of self-abasement that render most people to repeatedly pronounce a title that's ascribed to their power as a way of revitalizing their confidence lest they feel intimidated. 
However, the best approach on self-guilt moments is not to affirm your title. Instead, you're supposed to rise up to the truth of the matter at hand and portray your servant-leadership by propitiously addressing the concerns of the people. Unfortunately, without a track record of consistency in leadership, to most people, a propitious address will never ever carry the day. 
In reference to the words of Nelson Mandela; "Anybody who changes his principles depending on whom he is dealing with, that's not a man who can lead a nation." It's very unfortunate that Kenyans have times without number witnessed capricious leadership in the last three and a half years to apoint of neither relying nor trusting most if not all of our 'leaders.'
Quoting the words of wisdom from Denzel Washington; 'Without commitment, you'll never start, but more importantly, without consistency, you'll never finish,' the starting part of Uhuru's tenure took off tremendously since there was what we all perceived to be a duo commitment that portrayed visionary leadership towards the fulfillment of the BIG FOUR AGENDA. Nonetheless, our joy was just but a short lived glory after a handshake that brought a persona non grata in jubilee's house in the name of peace, cohesion and walking along with unity. This 'hasty' move has not only disintegrated jubilee's house, it's now evident than ever before that; from the opposition side, the handshake was a premeditated strategy to impede the fruition of the Big Four Agenda and later use this failure to challenge the credibility of the government of the day. And to our surprise, the Big Four Agenda was prematurely terminated before it could see the light of the day and now we have to forcefully eat from the new menu by the name BBI. This lack of consistency in leadership clearly shows that: Fulfilling the promises associated with the Big Four Agenda remains to be a dreadful dream if not a nightmare. 
How I wish that the president would have known the words of immeasurable wisdom from Jesse Jackson; 'Leadership cannot just go along to get along, leadership must meet the moral challenge of the day.' 
On the other hand, it's very unfortunate that we are in a reign of leadership where telling the truth is not only illegal but also punishable. Under the leadership where members of the opposition party serve in the government. Kenya is indeed a facetious country. Where else on earth have you ever heard members of the opposition party serving in the government? It's only in Kenya. In the name of handshake, the current chairperson of the parliamentary committe on budget and appropriations  is a staunch member of ODM who happens to be the current women representative of Homa bay county. This is a clear indication that; apart from missing some important parts when we were hurriedly copying our constitution homework from the westerners, by the look of things, we copied all the laws but forgot to copy the most important law; the law that makes it mandatory to implement all the other laws.
The fact that I am a prisoner of truth, I have no apologies whatsoever when saying, "I won't tell you what you want to hear and smooth your soul with temporal happiness followed by perpetual regrets, I will tell you what you need to hear and give you a temporal heartache but ultimate perpetual joy and freedom."  And on matters truth, the scriptures are on the surface in John 8:32, 'You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.'
Noting that sooner that later we will strart a countdown to the remaining days before Uhuru's exit from the presidency, this is my honest advice in a nutshell; Unlike riches which can be inherited, a legacy is a self-aquired achievement not an inheritance. In that regard, when the history of our beloved motherland will be written, will there be nostalgic chapter on your legacy?

Thursday, January 21, 2021

In Pursuit of Purpose

Hitherto, I still hold a vivid memory about the very first question my class three teacher asked me. "What would you like to become when you grow up?" Without ruminating, I scanned my mind and answered. "I would like to become a physician." "What about you Anne?" The teacher directed the very question to my desk mate. "I would like to become his wife." She innocently but  emphatically answered. I was about to burst into laughter but my conscience quickly convinced me, after all, which girl would hesitate to marry a physician? It's inarguably true that; regardless of her tender age, Anne had surely done her homework well for her to know that physicians earned a decent salary and led a good life.
True to Anne's perception, I grew up in the days when parents believed that there were only four professions that their children were supposed to assume after their studies. These professions were; a teacher, a physician, a pilot and an engineer. If your dreams were not within the confines of these four professions, according to most parents, your academic trajectory was a crystal-clear indication of becoming a failure in life. This were days when teachers' mere thinking inspired them to determine whether your future would be lined up with success or you were doomed to fail.
Noting that our parents' perception of success was purely based on the number of zeros that would follow the first digit on your pay slip, it's extremely unfortunate that, in this day and age, most young people possess this antiquated biased mentality about success. This awkward mindset is what's robbing most people their joy and peace of mind. To a greater extent, this misconception have rendered most youngsters to either undertake illegal businesses or involve themselves in lewd and immoral lucrative lifestyles in a dire need to earn money and become 'successful.'
What most people don't know or understand is that; you can earn all the money you want in this world but if you fail to find and pursue your purpose, you will never ever be fulfilled.
Opulence doesn't give you happiness or fulfillment whatsoever no wonder the saying; 'the rich also cry.' Joy, peace of mind and fulfillment emanates from finding and living a purpose driven life. 
In this life, everyone qualifies for two certificates; the arrival certificate (birth certificate) and the departure certificate.  (demise certificate) Nonetheless, the second most important day in your life will never earn you a certificate and to a vast majority, 85% to be precise, that day never comes. This means that; only 15% of the world population find their purpose in life no wonder the myriad global uncertainties. To the 15%, this is the day you will find or the day you found your purpose. In that regard, the two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you will find out why you were born. In a more simplistic way; the day you will find your purpose in life.
From my school of conscious thinking and without any fear of contradiction, I can confidently say; "Knowledge which is an aspect of the mind begets intelligence, but wisdom, which is an aspect of the heart begets integrity." The fact that the very heart that feeds on the word of God is the source of passion, which when well nurtured turns into  purpose is an indication that; in your dire quest to find your purpose, God is a necessity not an option.
As a conscientious hardworking person who spend restless days and sleepless nights attending to your occupation and planning how to attain riches, kindly be informed by the proverbial wisdom of king Solomon that; 'Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it's the LORD's purpose that prevails.' Proverbs 19:21
With the knowledge that everyone's purpose is directly or indirectly connected to making a positive change to humanity, in whatever occupation you are in, don't just inspire to make a living, inspire to make a difference. Riches can only offer happiness but wealth offers joy. Noting that happiness is just but a temporal feeling, joy is a perpetual emotion and your purpose in life is your life of purpose. 
Contrary to the words of an African poet and philologist; John Ronald Tolkien, 'Not all those who wander are lost,' in my opinion, people who maunder aimlessly in life are lost and that's why I totally agree with Mahatma Gandhi, 'The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.' 

Saturday, January 9, 2021


Having made it through 2020 by the grace of the Almighty God, we are already a week old into 2021. By a single tick of the clock, a second goes by, then a minute and later an hour and subsequently a day is over. In a blink of an eye, the year will come to a close. The question that you are supposed to ask yourself at the close of each day is; what was my achievement today? 
In order to answer this question with confidence and enthusiasm, you're supposed to have a daily plan of your life which will not only aid you in observing proper time management but also perfect your day to day routine by ensuring that each particular day is successful utilized .
But why time management? The answer to this intriguing question is hidden in the words of a great 14th century English poet, Geoffrey Chaucer, who once said; "Time and tide wait for no man." In my own words; "No one is rich enough to buy time back." That's definitely why you should manage your time well.
Citing the dreadful memories of 19 years ago, I am extremely hesitant towards any numerals related to nine eleven. (9:11) Needless to say, I couldn't come anywhere close to intelligence without acknowledging the wisdom of the wisest man to have ever walked on planet earth. His scriptural words of wisdom are inked in Ecclesiastes 9:11 "I have seen something else under the sun: 'The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all."
It doesn't matter who you are or where you are in life in reference to position or location, every human being gets 86,400 seconds a day which is 1440 minutes a day or in a more simplistic approach, 24 hours a day. What matters is what you do with your time. In other words, what matters is how you spend your time.
According to my school of conscious thoughts, time, which is a snippet of eternity and a constant variable is most valuable and the most affordable resource in humanity because it's free. In life, there are only two resources you can spend, namely; Time and Money.
While time is an independent resource, money is dependent upon time. This means that, the money you earn is dependent upon the time you invest. Time begets money but money can never beget time, thus the phases like: it's just a matter of time and my lifestyle will change. 
United States government understands the relationship between time and money very well and that's why the money you earn is based on the time you've put in. (You have worked)
To attest the truth in the title of Benjamin Franklin's 1748 book; 'Remember time is money,' and simultaneously honor him as one of the founding fathers of United States of America, in 1914, the treasury decided to include Benjamin Franklin's portrait on the hundred dollar bill which is the highest legal tender bill in the land. In essence, the distance between your struggles and your success is time and how well you will spend it. 
On the other hand, there are only two powers that control time and money. These powers are; discipline and sacrifice and to my surprise, they are fundamentally interdependent. In order to elevate yourself from mediocrity, you should invest extra time working and in return earn decent money which you need to spend wisely in order to elevate yourself in life.
While investing extra time is a matter of sacrifice and discipline, spending your money wisely is a matter of discipline and sacrifice. When it comes to time and money, discipline and sacrifice are applied interchangeably. 
Apart from sharing common control powers, (CCP) time and money have another commonality. Both of them don't possess any intrinsic character. The constitutive ability of time or money is dependent upon the character of the beholder. 
The two scenarios that will aid you to a better understanding of my claim are;
*Two employees who work equal hours and earn an equal salaries but one advances in life while the other leads a mediocre life.
*A janitor who earns a quater of his employer's salary after working double  the time his employer works but eventually becomes more successful than his employer.
These two scenarios are a crystal-clear indication that; the discipline and sacrifice you will observe over your time or money will contrive to the level of constitutive ability in either of them. In other words; it doesn't matter how much time or money you have, if you squander either, you will fall short in the conversion of the presumption that; time and money hold a constitutive ability naturally into the reality that; time and money are futile under the care of a spendthrift. That's why some people outdo others even when they are subjected to the same working hours and similar income. 
It's not how much time or money you have, the constitutive ability or lack of it altogether is determined by how well or poor (your character) you spend time or money in your possession.
It's my humble request and sincere prayer that one among your numerous resolutions of 2021 is to utilize time and money to the maximum through a great time and money management strategy in a dire need to record a great achievement when the year comes to a close. Kindly go ahead and spend your time doing the right things and spend your money wisely because: "We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.” Nelson Mandela.