"Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that, if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town, my town's impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world." By Monk-11 A. D.
Even though the above conscious thought which is loaded with vast wisdom dating back to 11 A.D. is still inspirational to this day, the fact that this advice eminated from a monk portrays ambiguity of both wisdom and regrets.
Learning that he could have first changed his mindset before trying to change the world is a great lesson that contrived this wisdom loaded advice. To his regret, he learned a lesson at an old age meaning that he couldn't recover the time he had already wasted.
Noting that fools learn from their own mistakes while erudites do it from other people's mistakes, oh how I wish that; just like myself, this monk's mistake have taught you a lesson on the need to first change your mindset before you embark on a trajectory to change the world.
While our so called leaders have intentionally been blind to the plight of ordinary Kenyans for far too long, we have also been blinded by our own ignorance and that's why we never hold them accountable for neglecting their constitution mandated responsibilities of serving Kenyans relentlessly.
Out of our own ignorance, these selfish 'leaders' have now taken advantage of mutilating the constitution and they have the audacity to deceive us that they are doing so for our own good.
Although it's inarguably true that a great percentage of my fellow citizens are well educated people, it's extremely unfortunate because our knowledge have not brought any change for the longest. This is a clear indication that; intelligence without integrity is futile. In a more simplistic way; knowledge without wisdom is useless. That's why despite of our immense knowledge, we can't resonate with a commonsense issue like being aware that; Adding 70 more members of parliament and creating five new positions in the executive will automatically add a heavier burden of footing an enormous wage bill to the already heavily laden Kenyans.
In order to foot the proliferated wage bill in the BBI, there must be an increase on revenue. This begs the question; WHERE WILL THE INCREASED REVENUE COME FROM? The answer to this question isn't a matter of rocket science but an issue of commonsense. THEY WILL RUTHLESSLY CONTINUE TO OVERTAX US. Without perusing the entire BBI document, the fact that we will knowingly but ignorantly subject ourselves to higher taxes makes BBI a malicious and a devious plan to advance personal interests and simultaneously nurture a few individual's sense of self-entitlement.
In his Solomonic wisdom, this are the words of Winston Churchill; " A nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."
When moments of total ignorance from Kenyans are at hand as it is now, I inadvertently find myself quoting the great words of wisdom from the 32nd first lady of United States madam Eleanor Roosevelt; 'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.'
The naked truth is; we have ourselves to blame for our total ignorance. Indeed, we have for a very long time allowed our 'leaders' to manipulate us to a point that we are now brainwashed to a point where we perceive them as demigods whose tune we must dance to unquestionably as we continue to live in extreme indigence. Whenever they ask us to jump, instead of asking WHY, we 'innocently' ask; HOW HIGH? Infact, we are the people in the biblical reference; 'Listen, you foolish and senseless people, with eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear....Jeremiah 5:21 Just like the boers,(Afrikaans) our so called leaders have for decades continued to impoverish us in order to forever rule us. The most vexatious thing is how they take advantage of our ignorance to effectively manipulate us.
Out of his ingenuity, Bob Marley once said this words; "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds." If anything, His three decades old words of wisdom tells us that; each one of us have a personal responsibility to redeem his or her conscious mind lest we fail in our collective responsibility of liberating our beloved motherland from decades of tyrannical rule.
Unless you are a visitor in Kenya, you know very well that we are deficient of servant and visionary leaders but surfeit with selfish, corrupt and power hungry politicians in the name of leaders whose agenda is to sate their greed for power and opulence. That's why amidst covid-19 and medic's strike, their concern is how more positions of power will be created for them to continue to rule over us. Our government times without number have approved the words of Ronald Reagan; "The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other."
Turning to the word of God; Then Jesus gave the following illustration: “Can one blind person lead another? Won’t they both fall into a ditch? Luke 6:39 While most of our leaders are blind to the plight of ordinary Kenyans, we on the other hand are blind to their evil strategies of impoverishing us for their gain.
In their selfish quest to change the constitution, please be advised that; they can keep on changing the constitution every year if they so wish, but their unsustainable greed for power and their unwillingness to honor the constitution at hand are a crystal-clear indication that; NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES THEY COERCE US INTO CHANGING THE CONSTITUTION, THEIR CONCEIT AND LACK OF GOODWILL TO HONOR THE CONSTITUTION WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL.
Turning to the word of God; Then Jesus gave the following illustration: “Can one blind person lead another? Won’t they both fall into a ditch? Luke 6:39 While most of our leaders are blind to the plight of ordinary Kenyans, we on the other hand are blind to their evil strategies of impoverishing us for their gain.
In their selfish quest to change the constitution, please be advised that; they can keep on changing the constitution every year if they so wish, but their unsustainable greed for power and their unwillingness to honor the constitution at hand are a crystal-clear indication that; NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES THEY COERCE US INTO CHANGING THE CONSTITUTION, THEIR CONCEIT AND LACK OF GOODWILL TO HONOR THE CONSTITUTION WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL.
In other words, any person who lacks self-discipline to necessitate a sense of responsibility to support, obey, uphold, defend and protect the very constitution he or she vowed allegiance to when he took the oath of office, but out of his or her sense of superiority complex, ignorance, self-importance, ego, pride or whatever other reason decides to dishonor the constitution, that person is a recusant and is not fit for leadership whatsoever.
As we await for the referendum with mixed feelings and anticipation, kindly liberate yourself from the blindness of ignorance and remember that; the mouth that consumed the seedlings will be the same mouth that will ask; what will I sow? Please don't be an enemy of your own and always remember the wise words of Albert Einstein; 'Insanity is doing the same thing, the same way, over and over, but expecting different results.' Before you consider changing the constitution, first consider changing your mindset because that's the root cause of all the problems.
As we await for the referendum with mixed feelings and anticipation, kindly liberate yourself from the blindness of ignorance and remember that; the mouth that consumed the seedlings will be the same mouth that will ask; what will I sow? Please don't be an enemy of your own and always remember the wise words of Albert Einstein; 'Insanity is doing the same thing, the same way, over and over, but expecting different results.' Before you consider changing the constitution, first consider changing your mindset because that's the root cause of all the problems.
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