Sunday, May 24, 2020


I am one person who believes the decades old words of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt who was the 32nd First lady of the United states. "No one can made you feel inferior without your consent."
Since your ears and eyes are the gateway to everything that you know or understand, any person who wishes to rule over you will successfully do so by controlling what you see and what you hear. When I  control what you see, I rule your knowledge and when I control what you hear, I successfully take toll on your understanding. 
The two biblical compendiums that will help you understand my school of thought are; Daniel 1:4 'Young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians.'
Apart from  Daniel who is popularly known by his Israelite name despite being remaned Belteshazzar which is a Babylonian name, the rest of the three young men Hananiah whose name was changed to  Shadrach, Mishael whose name was changed to Meshack and Azariah whose name was changed to Abednego, the rest three are popularly known by their foreign Babylonian names that were forcefully given to them through the order of king Nebuchadnezzar with an intention of  enforcing them into idol worshiping and eventually rule over them.
Even though his evil plan didn't bear fruits, it's a crystal-clear indication that; knowledge and understanding manipulation is an effective way of inculcating an inferiority complex mindset on someone. 
The second tactic was used on Job by his friends during the period of his deadly sickness. Job's friends tried to convince him that his illness was a punishment from God as a result of his sins. These were Job's words to his friends. "Look, my eyes have seen all this, my ears have heard and understood it. What you know, I also know; I am not inferior to you." Job 13:1-2
Just like the four Israelite young men, (Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah) Job totally resisted his friends persuasion which would have subjected him to a state of inferiority complex mindset. 
It's very unfortunate that; in the present day and age, we Africans have continued to allow the so called 'first world countries' to control our knowledge and our thinking an aspect that continues to render us to an inferiority complex mindset and to also confirm to the so called first world countries their centuries old biased mindset of superiority complex. 
While Africa continues be colonized through her inferiority complex mindset that have for years fostered a DONOR MENTALITY, eight west African countries are to this day under an evil orchestrated and strategized colonialism having been coerced into signing the Continuation of colonialism pact before becoming independent. This is an official document that have seen eight African countries deposit their 85% of their bank reserves with French Central bank for decades. Ironically, if need be, (which is obvious) the requisite to access their money must be preceded by submitting a financial statement which should undergo through a process of approval and if, only if they are lucky to be approved, they can get an access of 20% of their previous year deposits inform of loans or commissions with interest rates. This simply means, despite having a credit with France, these countries still owe France. In other words, France loans you your money which you should pay with interest. For every 14 billion US dollars, the government of France gets a return of 300 billion US dollars after investing the money in the French stock market. 
The second wave of how Africa has invited a new colonial regime 'presumably' without her consent is through her profound DONOR MENTALITY that have continued to support her decades old sense of inferiority complex.
Although Africa is the richest continent in the world mineral wise, it's the poorest continent monetary wise in the world. In 2009, the then 54 African countries saw the need to build a new headquarter of African Union in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Nonetheless, with a continent GDP of 2.58 trillion US dollars, Africa could not raise 200 million US dollars to construct her own headquarters and the whole amount  that enabled the construction of the African Unioun edifice was a donation from China.
The irony of the highest degree is the biblical verse that is curved on the base of the statue of Kwane Nkrumah the founding father of the great nation of Ghana. The scripture is from Psalms 68:31; 'Ethiopia (meaning Africa since Ethiopia is a Holy land that represents Africa in the bible) shall lift her hands to God.' The question that should linger in our minds is; Is Africa lifting her hands to God or to China and other countries that continues to benefit from her minerals and other natural resources?
In the present day and age, China has become the leading colonial regime in most African countries through offering predatory loans as a way of gaining receivership of the most lucrative assets from the countries of target since the Chinese government knows very well these African countries will default on their loans. This evil tactic saw Kenneth Kaunda International Airport go under a receivership threat by China in 2018 due to Zambian loan default not to mention that China owns 60% shares of Zambian National media. 
The third wave of present day African colonization strategy is the unending civil war in the world richest country mineral wise. The country is none other than the Democratic Republic of Congo, popularly known as DRC. 
Since 1480s when Portuguese traders set foot in Congo, there have been  endless civil war to this day. In a dire quest to feed their greed of opulence out of the the vast natural riches of mineral resources in Congo, the Portuguese deemed that the only way to enrich themselves was to ensure that Congo remained in a state of anarchy. As long as the Congolese were fighting between themselves, the ambience to feed their evil ambitions remained tranquil. Their iniquitous mission became successful when they destroyed indigenous political forces which were capable of curtailing their slaving or trading agendas. Their successful evil plans of disintegrating the Congolese and rendering them into a govern less anarchy of endemic civil wars have continued to this day. 
The day Africans will realize the power of unity is the day we shall solve a greater percentage of our centuries old problems that have created total destitution in Africa. They divide us in order to rule us and when we are fighting against ourselves, they force some of us to spend restless days and sleepless nights flushing out our minerals which they fly out to their countries and then donate to us a smidgen amount of money out of the millions they earn not only from our minerals but also from out sweat. 

What we have in Africa are not countries but colonial boundaries that they have used for centuries to divide us and ease their diabolical acts of Africa impoverishment. The bitter truth that we have to swallow in order to liberate ourselves from the centuries old DONOR MENTALITY is; we have continued to allow them to manipulate us through our inferiority complex mindset. 

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