Monday, May 25, 2020


Today being the 57th commemoration of AFRICA DAY, there is a dire need to assess our mother continent since she is still wanting. 
This years theme is; Silencing the Guns in the context of the COVID19
I thank God because, despite the evil predictions that Africa will be sweeping human bodies in the streets of her major cities, God has been with us in every step of fighting this global pandemic. To this day, Africa is the continent that have had the very minimal cases and deaths out of covid-19. Nonetheless, more work needs to be done especially the adherence to all the set rules towards averting the spread of covid-19.
On the other hand, it's very disheartening to know that; despite being the richest continent in minerals and natural resources, Africa is still lagging behind in economic development in the areas of infrastructure, food security, housing, manufacturing, technology, education and health care.
Kindly let's look beyond the colonial boundaries that have for decades made us perceive disintegrated Africa with 55 countries instead of a unified continent which is capable of controlling the world economy out of its vast minerals and natural resources. 

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