Use your common sense.' I've lost count on how many times this phrase have crossed my ears since my childhood and I am certain you aren't an exception. Nonetheless, I beg to differ with the definition of commonsense as the knack for seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done. My question therefore is; what is the universal threshold of seeing things as they are or doing things as they ought to be done? Giving this definition a benefit of doubt is equally asinine noting the recurrent reminders that beg the use of commonsense in day to day life?
In my dire quest to find an answer to this extremely intriguing question, I decided to ignore the delusional commonsense idealism and opted to think deep to my question. We can all agree that human beings are created equal but with disparate physical and mental abilities. Since our sight or deed is a matter of perception through a thought process, the fact that the mind analyses and interpretes our thoughts differently which in essence is the application of paradigm shift (fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions) is a clear evidence that commonsense is just but a delusion.
A majority of the present day problems are as a result of a total disregard of divergent perceptions and assuming that; when people encounter similar experiences in life, their interpretation pertaining these experiences should be the same. Whenever your perception towards what might seem to be a simple issue is in the minority list, individuals in the majority list tend to think that you don't possess commonsense. The truth of the matter is: you are just different.
By now, most people are asking themselves; "If indeed commonsense is irrational, what facilitates efficiency in human relationships and habitual life in general?" Here is the answer to this very vital question. Both innate wisdom and acquired wisdom makes wonted human life viable. The fact that King Solomon asked God to give him wisdom is a clear indication that innate wisdom isn't enough by itself thus a dire need to seek for more wisdom. (Acquired wisdom) The two ways to obtain acquired wisdom are; adhering to the teachings from the counsel of the wise and also the fear of the Lord. (Proverbs 9:10)
On the other hand, efficiency in anomalous matters of life requires reasoning where both wisdom (intelligence) and knowledge (integrity) are extremely essential towards a fierce deliberation for sake of viable decisions. This deliberation is called 'soul searching,' because a human being's soul is made up of the mind and the heart. While wisdom is an independent virtue on wonted matters, there must be an interdependence between the mind and the heart for viable solutions to the realized.
What most people perceive as commonsense is what I call 'assumption of commonality' which disregards the importance of conscious thinking and simultaneously dismisses the significance of diverse perceptions. Infact, a person who labels someone as an inferior claiming that, that person lacks commonsense totally disregards the intricacy of humanity which states; we are all created equal but with different physical and mental abilities, thus the depiction of human diversity
If you develop a trend of subjecting each and every life occurrence to a conscious thought process no matter how minor the issue is, you will always enjoy the outcome rendered by your conscious mind and you will surely have the force of reason in the realization of the truth behind the saying; 'Intentional thinking is the mother of viable decisions.'
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