Last week, I wrote a blog which was published on the Friday 11th December 2020 edition of MT KENYA TIMES newspaper and I also shared the blog on my Facebook page. The title of the blog was; COMMONSENSE: FACT OR FICTION? After a long philosophical study on what most people perceive to be commonsense, I came to a conclusion that; Although commonsense isn't fable, it's an illusion whose dependency impedes the use of conscious mind and the force of reason, and subsequently robs you a substantive efficiency and efficacy in your decision making.
With that understanding, you can now tell why the proponents of the BBI have times without number claimed that this document dosen't need critical thoughts or substantive reasoning but commonsense. According to the duo and their zealots, the content therein is just but a matter of commonsense which needs no perusal. Their claim that there isn't adequate time to keenly peruse such a critical document whose 'purpose' is to amend the laws that will be governing us henceforth, and their suggestion that this document dosen't need our conscious thoughts aids us in understanding the true meaning of the saying, 'The devil is in the details.'
Unfortunately, and without any ulterior motive, most of my fellow beloved citizens don't own their mind. That's why we are easily lured into their deceptive ideas that are only aimed at feeding their enormous greed of power and opulence. They have totally brainwashed our minds that we are always ready to agree on everything they suggest to us without posing any question (s) whatsoever.
They keep telling us that the reason to why we always experience post-elections violence is because of the so called; Winner takes it all policy. However, we all know that this is a total lie. The real reason behind every post-elections violence is lack of conceding when one loses an election. Nonetheless, let's for a moment disregard our cognitive abilities because by the look of things, we are totally brainwashed to a point that we no longer own our minds and that's why we find ourselves agreeing with their fallacies. It's inarguably true that we have made them our demigods. Now more than ever before, I can totally understand the sense behind the song by King Kaka; 'Wajinga nyinyi,' which directly traslates; we are fools.
You can argue it otherwise but by the look of things, we are indeed fools. Why do we keep worshipping them and addressing them with titles like honorable when they don't hold a single moral character worth an honor? Why do we keep voting them into positions of 'leadership' after their cruelty acts of embezzling our money? Why do we keep agreeing with their selfish ideas whose only objective is to feed their greed and ego? Without any doubt, we are their enablers who keep rewarding their scandalous acts election after election thus a need to blame none else but ourselves.
It's inarguably true that we all need a nonpartisan electro body that can conduct credible elections where transparency and accountability will be the objective. All the same, we likewise need individuals who clearly understand that; In every election, there must be a winner and a looser and, while the majority have it their way, the minority have their say and live to try another day.
Among the 13 chapters proposal in the BBI, the most irking and a total absurd proposal that will add an extremely heavy financial burden on our already impoverished lives is the increment of 70 MPs and expanding the executive. On top of the already existing state loans amounting to 6.2 trillion Kshs and a wage bill of 795 billion Kshs annually which is 48.1% of the national revenue, additional seats in the parliament will increase the wage bill with 49.7 billion Kshs annually five additional executive positions notwithstanding.
Kenya is deficient of servant leadership but have surfeit of narcissistic politicians who have continued to extort public funds in a dire need to feed their insatiable greed. The claim that the expanded executive is for the purpose of equal representation is just a fallacy. This is another plot to continue impoverishing Kenyans so that we can continue to bow down to them for handouts, ironically from the very monies they embezzle from us. If Kenyans were enjoying effective service delivery and great livelihoods, no one would bother to know the ethic tribe of the president or whether he or she hails from a dynasty ancestry or not.
Political ethnicity and post-election violence solution will neither be realized from expanded executive nor will it happen through over representation, it can only arise from servant leadership which is; Intentionally having the interests of beloved Kenyans at heart and a relentless will to fulfill them without favor or bias. This will necessitate effective service delivery and simultaneously ensure that the needs of ordinary citizens precedes the greed of most if not all politicians.
While the additional proposed seats comes with huge salaries and all manner of allowances which are never ever delayed or denied, members of medical fraternity, doctors and nurses included, spend more days on the streets picketing for unpaid salaries and deplorable working conditions than they do in hospitals.
Saying that our medical personnels are holding the government hostage because of striking due to unpaid salaries and lack of Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) especially during this covid-19 pardemic doesn't only demonstrate the highest level of ignorance and insensitivity towards our dear medics, it likewise shows how the so called 'leaders' are out of touch with reality and humanity towards medics who have continued to relentlessly sacrifice their lives on the line of duty without getting their salaries on time from a government that continues to spend tax payers money illegally on BBI whose aim is to benefit a few chosen elites but lacks the audacity to pay the salaries of our medics who unfortunately happens to be UNSUNG HEROES in the society. This is a crystal-clear indication of failed leadership, money squandering and misplacement of priorities.
My fellow beloved Kenyans, ahead of us lies a great challenge that will determine whether each one of us owns his or her mind or we are just physically free citizens but mentally enslaved sycophants who are readily willing to submit to their egocentric beliefs which totally disregards the dire need of egalitarianism, altruistic and servant leadership in our beloved motherland.
While the additional proposed seats comes with huge salaries and all manner of allowances which are never ever delayed or denied, members of medical fraternity, doctors and nurses included, spend more days on the streets picketing for unpaid salaries and deplorable working conditions than they do in hospitals.
Saying that our medical personnels are holding the government hostage because of striking due to unpaid salaries and lack of Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) especially during this covid-19 pardemic doesn't only demonstrate the highest level of ignorance and insensitivity towards our dear medics, it likewise shows how the so called 'leaders' are out of touch with reality and humanity towards medics who have continued to relentlessly sacrifice their lives on the line of duty without getting their salaries on time from a government that continues to spend tax payers money illegally on BBI whose aim is to benefit a few chosen elites but lacks the audacity to pay the salaries of our medics who unfortunately happens to be UNSUNG HEROES in the society. This is a crystal-clear indication of failed leadership, money squandering and misplacement of priorities.
My fellow beloved Kenyans, ahead of us lies a great challenge that will determine whether each one of us owns his or her mind or we are just physically free citizens but mentally enslaved sycophants who are readily willing to submit to their egocentric beliefs which totally disregards the dire need of egalitarianism, altruistic and servant leadership in our beloved motherland.
In his proverbial wisdom, king Solomon inked these scriptures; 'The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.' Proverbs 22:7 My question therefore is; Will we give them another opportunity to continue enriching themselves with our tax money so that they can continue to rule us or, will we be valiant enough to say like Job; "What you know, I also know, I am not inferior to you. Yet I desire to speak to the Almighty and argue my case before God. You, cover your ignorance with lies; you are all worthless physicians. The wisest thing you can do is to keep quiet and listen to my argument." Job 13:2-5
In his first letter to the church in Corinth, Paul poses a very intriguing question whose answer renders not only a solution but also an inspiration. "Were you a slave when you were called?" Don't let that worry you, but if you can win your freedom, by all means take the opportunity. 1st Corinthians 7:21
While this blog might have motivated your inspirations towards your freedom, don't be ignorant of the truth that; He who owns your mind owns you, and he who owns you controls you, and he who controls you determines your destiny. Nevertheless, an informed decision to recoup your mind is within the force of your cognitive reasoning.
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